Part Eight.

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 Luke's Point Of View

My brother continued to bang on the door, his knocking hit the wood panels of my door. "Luke open this door or I'm getting," he said then paused. I looked at my door, Ben had stopped banging the door probably thinking about what to say to continue his sentence.

"I'm getting Jack" He continued, I rolled my eyes. The big brother threat, how many times have I heard this before growing up. "You do that," I say back as I sat on my bed watching the little fire in my bin continue to burn.

"I give you to the count of three, to open this door or I'm calling Jack up here and telling him you've got a damn fire in your room" He threatened me. I just got more comfortable on my bed.

" one" I hear him starting to count out loud, so I could hear him count. "Two" he counted. " I'm giving you a chance here Luke, come and open the door" it went quiet for a little while. "And three," he said louder. I just sat on my bed, looking at my door.

I was waiting for Ben to go and get Jack, because apparently being threatened by Ben saying he was going to Jack, was supposed to scare me. I heard Ben sigh, "come on Luke just open the door, I only want to talk to you," He says. Sighing I got up off my bed and walked over to my door avoiding the bin, I unlocked the door and opened it before walking back towards my bed. "Luke, why are you burning things in your bin?" He asked me. I turned around and looked at him, "because" I started to say but then stopped, I didn't really know why I was burning things in my bin, burning pictures. Burning the memories I had, burning the pictures of yn.

I thought burning them would make everything better but it didn't, it didn't make it better at all. I had lost the photos, as they were now ash and gained? Nothing but a room smelling of smoke. "Luke, why did you burn some of your photos," Ben asks as I watched him walk over to my bin and put his hand in and pulling out a photo. He blew out a little flame and held it, in his hands.

He turned what was left of the photo around so I could see it, it still showed yn. I didn't want to forget her but I thought getting rid of the photos might have helped a little but it didn't.

"She meant a lot to you then Luke," he said to me as he put the photo back in the bin. "Yeah, she did, hell of a lot," I say to Ben. He nodded his head, " I think you meant a lot to her too, Luke" Ben says to me.

Hearing that meant a lot to me, even if the words wasn't from yn herself, having my brother say that made me feel a bit better but it didn't take the pain away, the pain I caused myself and her family.

I sat down on my bed as Ben opened a window to try and get rid of the smell of fire. "Did you think burning photos of yn would help?" He asked sitting down next to me. "I- don't know, maybe," I say looking at him. "I just thought maybe burning them so I didn't see them would help but it hasn't, Ben. Nothing's helping" I say honestly.

Ben sighed from beside me, "Maybe- don't bite my head off here but staying with dad-" "No, I'm not staying with him so don't even think about trying to change my mind. I'm not staying with him. I might be upset right now but I'm not stupid enough to agree to stay with him." I say standing up and looking at Ben and walking over to my wardrobe.

A couple hours later I was laying down on my bed, in my jogging bottoms looking at the ceiling, thinking. I then heard a noise down stairs, sitting up I quickly stood up and walked out of my room. Looking at the different doors, Ben room, Jack's room and my mum's room doors were closed.

I carried on and walked down the stairs quietly incase someone was in the house. Reaching the bottom, it was silent. I began searching the kitchen, and the living room before making my way back over to the stairs. Nothing or nobody was in the house apart from my family, which made me sigh in relief.

I was just about to walk back up the stairs but from out the corner of my eye, I noticed something in the letter box, turning back around I walked over to the front door and pulled out the thing in the letter box. An envelope, another envelope. Holding the envelope I made my way back upstairs and into my room, closing the door behind me locking my door. I opened the envelope and pulled out the piece of paper. I unfolded it, another message:

She's gone you have no one but yourself to blame, Luke.

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