T h e M a n T h e M o n s t e r a n d M e

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Previously: It wasn't Trent's phone.
I raked my hands through my hair, wanting to yank it out in frustration.

Dammit, where could they be?!

I sighed and when I turned around, my body completely froze over by the sight of the man, standing right in front of me.

(Recommendation: Play the video above while reading the chapter)

C h a p t e r 4

"Holy crap." I screamed and jumped back, creeped out to see the guy. It was the dad that was staring at me from the dance floor earlier.

And just like earlier, he just stared, only this time I could see him more clearly.  Round belly, two small hairs on the top of his bald head, and a chiseled mustache.

Definitely could be a dad by the looks of it.

"Hey uh, I was just leaving." I tried saying, my voice a little shaky by the way he was looking at me.

The dads face was twisted into a picture of rage, making everyone one of my instincts scream to run. The only thing standing between us was the big office desk.
My feet inched a little back.

He just stood there, watching with bloodshot eyes and looking like he ran a marathon with sweat dripping down his face. It was really awkward because of how he wasn't saying anything and I was at a loss of words. Guess this is the part where I should go?

Here goes nothing.

Awkwardly I turned my back to go to the door and the guy grunted in pain.

"H-h-elp." The dad stutters, his voice out of breath.

Was he trying to say Help?

"Uh sir," I tried saying in my most mannered tone that I usually use on adults, "I think you should call a hospital. In fact I'll just go down the hall and call for you! There's really bad reception in this room."

My ass will be gone as soon as my foot was out the door.

The dad didn't seem to buy my lie and his nostrils flared.
"I don't want to hear it!" He growled and was breathing fast.

I was taken aback by his tone and in that moment he spoke, he didn't look so appealing as I remember. Not that he wasn't even pretty to begin with, but not as ugly. It was those eyes, they were a little more red now. His skin clammy too.

I blinked twice just to be sure that I was actually seeing this, but nothing changed.

"H-h..." He hissed, not to me this time but, far off into the distance, as if his words were leaving him. I cleared my throat nervously.

"Look" I started. "I'm sorry but I really have to -"

"GRACE!" He snarled like a crazed animal.

That made me jump. What was this guy on and how did he know my name?! I tried backing away another inch and when I did, I noticed something a little off. Boils. They were growing on his face very slowly but very noticeable.

The floor board squeaked underneath as he dragged his feet. Coming closer. I  motioned further away from him.

"Help.Help. HELP!" The dad yelled, his head twitching and shaking, my legs couldn't move as I continue watching him with horror. This must be another one of my hallucinations.... but I never had one like this before!

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