I Love My Sister

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I love my sister, but she did something I could never forgive her for.
I managed to lure her to the edge of the woods where it drops off to a steep cliff. With the suspense building up I suddenly suck in a breath when I see her, with the fake love letter I put in her locker.
Coming out from behind my hiding place I see her face show pure horror.
My body is covered in cuts and bruises.
I slowly walk towards her, and she takes a couple steps back.
This goes on for a minute until I get her right where I want her, right by the edge.
I take a couple more steps closer, and she takes a couple steps back. Her face is terror mixed with surprise when she realizes her mistake.
She falls and starts to roll. I hear her scream tear through the woods.
I smile and carefully lean over the edge. Her scream stops abruptly and my smile widens when I see where she lands - right next to my body.
Pay back is a bitch, isn't it?

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