We Shall Meet Again..

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It was already 10:15 and I needed to get to work. I showered and put on a blue V neck and high waisted ripped shorts. I put on my Lita heels that I bought at a expensive ahh store and added black lipstick. I grabbed my duffle bag for my change of clothes and Kash. I left to go get my nails done. I decided on stilletos. I got them painted black with rhinestones on my two middle fingers. I went to Starbucks and ordered the usual and left. I pulled up at LUST WORK'S ( my job ). I parked my car and grabbed my duffle bag. I made my way to the girls locker room where we keep our belongings. I sat my stuff down and sipped on my Carmel Latte. I was soon greeted by the girls.

Girls...Wassup bhoo.

Nadia...Wassup yall

Girls...So... How was your little session with August!!

Nadia...Well... Shall I'll just say it was pleasant.

Girls...Hmm. Wish that would be me..

Nadia...Girl who you telling...

Girls...Did y'all fawk

Nadia...Nah it was my job nuthin too serious

Girls...Ion believe it..

Nadia...We didn't but he started getting hard and shidd

Girls...Wheww August got that work.

Nadia...Haha y'all needah stop

Diamond walked through they door.

What's all the commotion about. Diamond...

We talking bout how Nadia gotta new bhoo.

Nadia gone head I want the new dets.( details )

So remember when Paul called me and told me that I had a job...

Koko, Nadia, Diamond,Juice,I need yall on front stage whenever y'all get dressed.

I put on my pink dress with creme glittery Lita heels. It was all pink with rhinestones made customized in the front. The dress was short and cutt out throughout the back. I put on a lil makeup. Then stepped onto the stage and everyone was throwing money. Me and my girls was working it. This dude ordered a VIP room and wanted to take me to the back. At first I started grinding on him and stuff. He tried to put my head down.

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