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The wings above are Rebecca's and this story will be in Rebecca's point of view 

My name is Rebecca Angle Rogers. I'm Steve Rogers younger twin sister and the person I was soon to marry is James (Bucky) Barns. I was informed that Bucky was MIA ( missing in action) and my brother was stupid yet brave enough to go and find him and they both died. A few years later I was taken by hydra and given the same serum but this one it gave me powers and I grew wings and I didn't age. I was a weapon for hydra for years and then fifty years later I escaped. I'm now an avenger and a special S.H.E.I.L.D agent. Fury saw me as a daughter even though I'm older than him. That is my past and sorta present 

You will find out Rebecca's power later on in the story Comment Vote Rate and all of that good stuff BYYYYYYYEEEEEE  

Disclamer I do not own The avenger and bucky I own Rebecca but no the last to names because this story is about how I wold live my life if i were an avengers

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