Prologue: The cost of a mistake

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Wind ruseled by your ears has you made a mad dash through the forest. The stars twinkled above you as the full moon started to lower. One mistake just one can make your life a living nightmare. With a pack of wolves you were born and raised with out to get your blood a bolt of sorrow strikes you. You know your friends are there wanting to kill you. That adds in more sorrow. Your own brothers and sisters blinded by rage. It adds on and on tell you just stop. Take a moment to let it in. Try to calm yourself before breaking down. At once your regret your choice as wolves of your own kind surround you.

" You are a fool to stop so suddenly". The leader snarled. You need to snap out of it. Everyone you love and care for are all enemies. It's like you never known them.

" Killing off your own tribe was never the option do you want us to die off and let the world move on as we linger." You spat. The alpha's fur raised up and his eyes tensed looking at your heart. You know what he's thinking he wants you dead.

" We all know that what you did will never be forgave we all know you must die!" The alpha roared. Your ears lower as you let the fear bury in.

" Your time is over Sky."

_Authour note________________________
Okay I know this doesn't seem realited with Minecraft diaries at all trust me it will come. You just need to last a few Chapters tell she goes to Phoenix drop. Okay Okay injoy da book :3 Man this music so intense

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