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As a run to the doctors office waiting to see if it was in a room I hurry up walk through that door and put on young lady that was about to walk out of my way so I got through this. I asked I'm looking for an outfit she just came in they said she's already went to recovery system recovery so she's not dead she's known mm she's in a coma I said a coma me know I know she waiting might wake up but she might never ever wake up it's just kind of the worst feeling in the world part one I sent out that she was in a coma and kind of sat down and I asked if I could see her they said well they're working on her right now getting her set up and please send 40 minutes to go see her I said okay and I sat down. Right then I called Ashley and told her what happened she felt bad and she said that she'll be in the hospital pretty soon if you she is are really amazing in every way. I was at the doctors came out and said you can go see her now is she awake they said no she might not be waiting until maybe a year 3 we don't know but you can go talk to her she could still hear you if he can hear everything you say I love my head and I walk through the door when I saw her and my heart sunk into deep deep depressed I've never seen her in such a bad performance. After running some errands what to do it after everything you do it everything is fine so why would you try to do that to yourself I know things are hard right now but you can't let go at least you can't let go for me or actually where you were important to us I can't believe I found you like that most in the world don like I was telling you I'll come see you everyday and I'll never let go Ashley's coming to see you too I'm pretty sure she's going to make you laugh even when you can't see or look at her face expressions but you are right now I wish you were still awake knock knock actually knocked out the door over here Ashley I hope she's ok friend this is an ashley said how do you find her so I kind of broke her door and I found her on the floor of pills everywhere here on it but they're going to have to make Bae said well she says to me that's not horrible. So I came with Ashley said I said lol what are you have to say to like you know that song sorry love yourself by Justin Bieber I said yeah so listen to this ! My mama don't liked you and he likes everyone. So get the f#!$!!! Lol I laughed that's so funny I'm pretty sure errands laughing right now too so guys what are you guys want to talk about actually kind of looks down I said are you okay actually she said I wish she never did it me too I say to her knock knock the doctor comes in we have 4 results were going to pump ur stomach tonight so she has a better chance of waking up when she wakes up so probably not remember you guys as well what I needed him how she not going to memorize all you said was she overdoz will the medicine we're going to give her they say is not going to be the best situation but that's all the chances we have would you rather have your best friend died on the table right now or have her wake up to not knowing in room starting a relationship as I don't want to restart anything I want my back so I said there's a 50% chance it will happen okay right 50% I say I just kind of get mad at myself why did I let her do it why did I not see that she was depressed this is all my fault

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