Chapter 9

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Dear Diary, its been a few months since me and Logan have started dating. It's nice that i feel comfortable around him. Anyway it was weird this week, guess who showed up this week. It was quite ironic that Longan's ex girlfriend shows up at our talent show singing hello. That's so weird, and then she and Logan begin to talk about old times. Some girlfriends would not allow their boyfriends to talk to their ex's,but I trust Logan won't do something that I will kill him for. But every time me and Logan are together, she pops up like a puppet and talks to Logan about old times again and they laugh. I made a fake chuckle and rolled my eyes. Then when me and Logan's ex which her name is Jessica, are alone I told her that she was getting too close with Logan and should back off before I strike like a cobra. Then she tells me,that she just wants to be friends with Logan because they use to be friends. I laughed and told her that its cool for her to be his little talking buddy, but she should not be so close to Logan cause he has a new girlfriend. Then she said "OK." And left the bathroom. I shook my head and told myself if she trys anything with Logan I would snatch her head off. By the way I haven't seen Elijah with Regina since me and Logan first started dating. But who cares ha,not me. Anyway Logan asked me to the Spring floral dance. Well of course I said yes cause I'm his bae. Well after I told Miylan that Logan asked me to the dance,we decided to go pick out dresses for the dance. Then I tell Miylan about Jessica being clingy to my man. Miylan just told me if he cheats on me with her we should destroy his car and set his clothes on fire and then fight both of them. Then we laughed and told each other of course, you my ride or die bitch,we together forever. And we both laughed while picking our dresses out. Miylan dress that she had picked out was a baby blue and pink floral short dress with white heels. Mines was a peach and white floral dress with a pair of sparkle high heels. When we tried them on, we were flawless. After that,we went to go buy the dresses and shoes then bought them. When we were leaving we saw Jessica, she told us hi and walk to go pick out her dress. Me and Miylan ignored her and walked out the store so we could go buy our jewelry for our outfits. After that, the next day was the dance. Me and Miylan got ready and waited for our dates to pick us up. And then they came. We all got in the same limo and drove together. Logan told me I looked stunning and kissed me. Then I blushed and told him thank you and told him he looked handsome. After that we were at the dance. When we got there,there was a lot of people. They all looked like cotton candy. While we were walking,I saw Jessica wearing the same exact outfit as me, I got pissed a little but I wasn't gonna worry about her and let her ruin my night. We all walked in the school dance and went to get drinks. When I went to get me and Logan punch, miss clingy so called accidentally bumped into me and spill punch on my dress. I got mad and wanted to drown her in the punch but instead I went to the bathroom to clean off. While I was there, Miylan was in there. I told what happened. Then Miylan told me that's she trying to sabotage me, so she could get with Logan. I paused and left the bathroom worried and then I bump into Elijah. I said "sorry." and kept walking until Elijah told I looked gorgeous. I stopped and told him thank you and walked off with a smile. Then that smile changed when I saw Logan dancing with Jessica. I got mad and got between them and started dancing with Logan. Logan told me,I didn't have to that,then I told him I'm not confortoble for them to be hanging out. Then he said "now you don't trust me, I thought you did." Then I told I do,just not with Jessica,then he let's go of me and storms off. Then I felt bad. Then Miylan told me to go after him and then I did. I was looking all over for Logan until someone told he was in the back. I went there and then come catch him kissing Jessica,now this reminded me of Elijah and Regina. I got mad and pulled him off her and yelled at them asking what are they doing. Then Logan says not what its not what it looks like,then I looked and said" I'm looking at it."Have you two been doing this behind my back."Then he looks down. Oh,no that means he has. Then I asked him again and he said "yes " instead of slapping him, I punch him and then started hitting Jessica, then Logan took me off her and said "Just stop,I know that you used me to make Elijah jealous." Then I told him well that was true but I fell for him. Then he said "he didn't care,and that its over between us,I trust Jessica more than you,She's my soulmate. At least she won't use me,just like you." Then I told him that I was sorry. After I told him that,he then calls me a whore and took Jessica's hand and took off. I chase them and threw a rock at his back window of his car and told them to go to hell. Then they took off in the car. When I turned around everyone was there and saw the whole thing. I began to cry and started cussing lord knows what. Then I fell to my knees and cried . Then I got up and ran off. I ran off all the way to a festival and sat on bench and cried. Then somebody put a coat around me and asked if I was OK. And that person was Elijah. I looked at him and said "no and go away." Then he took his handkerchief and wiped my eyes. And hugged me. Oh my gosh,he hugged me and he smelled so good. I just wanted to cry on his shoulder all night. But I didn't. Then he told me that he will make me smile by singing my favorite song to me. Then he got up on stage and announced that this song is for someone he cares about. Then he began to sing thinking out loud by ed sheeran. I was so happy that he could hit ever note just like him. After the song,Elijah took me to get some frozen yogurt. He told me not to worry about what happened cause things don't always go right. After he said that he puts his arm around me and then he walked me home. When I got to my dorm room, Miylan was outside looking for me to see if I was walking home by myself. Then she saw me and Elijah walking towards the door and then got excited and came downstairs and hugged me and asked if I was alright Then she thanked Elijah for bringing me home safely and making me feel better and after that night when I got in the room and put my pj's on and went straight to bed to forget about what happened at the dance.

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