Moving On

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I woke up early my team in order, Ken was already ready earlier this morning he had a shipment to run. Just as Tara and I were coming downstairs Reese and him were walking in the door.

"Good Morning" said Ken hugging Tara and I. Reese pulled us in afterwards and then we all got ready for a group meeting at the kitchen island.

"You ready Tia?" asked Ken looking at me.

"Yes I'm ready lets just go because I just want to get it over with." he rubbed my back and nodded and we all headed out. I rode in the U-haul with Ken while Reese and Tara follwed behind in Reese's truck.

I don't have a lot of stuff but Its better to have enough space just in case. We pulled up at my house 20 minutes later and I was nervous. I'm just hoping that there won't be a scene yet I know there might. I got out the truck and was met with my mother.

She's a Italian woman with long brown hair and brown eyes. She lookes sloppy and messed up, the bags under her eyes indicated she hadn't slept in days and she just looked at me.

"You have 30 minutes get all your shit Tia and leave before Normam comes" she said putting her head down.

"Really Momma L you just gonna do -"

"Stop Tara and help" said Ken.

Kendrick knows that I don't want to start any shit and that I just want to be out.

*45 minutes later*

We were getting the last of my clothes and personal things when Norman pulled up. He was already tensed and I could tell he was angry by the black and blue eyw he had.

"Why the fuck is this slut at my house" he said walking to my mom.

"Look!-" said Ken and I just held him and looked him in the eyes.

"Please were almost done just ignore him come one. We go the rest and were walking out when te real hell broke loose.

"Good riddens bitch and keep your fast ass away from my house you were fun to have" he said snickering.

Ken lost it and punched the shit out of him, "Don't you ever let me hear you say anything else about her Ill bury your ass you hear me!? Ill kill you nigga!" Reese was holding Ken back and my mom started yelling at me, "See if you would have been a good girl Tia! You just had to be nasty and open your legs up!" she said pushing me down.

Tara was ready to fight and I found new anger that I thought I didn't have.

"Open my legs up!?! They were opened for me! He hurt me Mommy!! He hurt me and you let him!! You let him hurt me!! I hate you! I swear I do! What mother lets a pig hurt her child?!!?." The tears were flowing and Norman got up and spit blood to the side.

"You liked me in you bitch!" he smiled bright and I felt myself lunge forward. I punched him in his face and he hit me across mine. I hit the floor to be brought back uo by a now quite Tara and thr sound of my mother begging.

"Please don't K please don't hurt him"

I looked up to see Kendrick with a gun to Normans head and the look of death in his eyes.

"I told you don't ever hear me say another word about her leave yo mouth." said Kendrick about to pull the trigger.

"Stop!!I said going to Ken putting the gun down.

"He's not worth it! He never was Ken. He will get his lets go now everyone please go.

Reese grabbed Tara and pulled her in the truck, her eyes never left me and Reese's never left Kendrick.

"Come on Ken put the gun down, lets go please... please" I said looking him in his brown eyes.

He looked at me then back at Norman, after a.few moments he lowered his gun, "Ill be coming for you real soon Norman they don't call me K for nothing... remember my face" said Kendrick walking back his eyes never leaving Norman.

We got in the truck and pulled away the ride back was tense and I just held it in and as soon as we got home. Kendrick looked at me and I just got out the truck and ran. I don't know why I ran but I did and I rab until I felt close to collapsing and I just sat and cried. Right behind me was Kendrick who picked me up and just held me as I cried.

"Let it out." he said holding me

I cried harder and by the time I was done he was holding my face wiping away my tears.

"I got you,you know that?" he asked pulling me close.

"Yes I know" I said looking down.

"Then no more tears, not for that nigga Norman or your mom. No more tears for all the shit that's happened in your past T! Your done crying you hear me!?"

I nodded and I felt him. pull me close our lips meeting and it felt like my lips were made for his and notts in my stomach were now so tight that I felt sick but I weird love tight sick.

I pulled away and we just looked at each other and he kissed my head and grabbed my hand. I know well have to talk about this later but for now things are better left unsaid.




He thinks he can show up and bitch me out at my house? No he can't! I don't care who the fuck K thinks he is I will show him and that's slut Tia a piece of me. She should have kept her fucking mouth shut and everything would have been great, now I'm left with her stank ass momma. She ain't fine like Tia. Seeing her plumb ass walk pass was the only thing keeping me but now she gone so I'm about to bounce, but I will get my revenge! No one comes to my house and embarrasses me and just ups and leaves. K might be ruthless and a Killer but I'm just like him.







Soo another late night update, like I said my juice was flowing so I started writing lol but I'm sleepy so I'm going to bed but excuse my mistakes and VOTE,VOTE,VOTE! Comment and Fan Me :) :) Also I will Update The Love We Found tomorrow I promise!! Anyway I'm off to bed and thanks for all the love it fuels me but until next time~Ery <3

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