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"Mom!? Mom whats wrong?" I asked standing there.

"I'm so sorry" she said crying.

"Why are you sorry?" I asked

"I love you" she said holding up a gun pointing it at me.

"Mom what are you doing!" I screamed.

"I'm sorry!"





I held onto my chest as I felt the bulet hit me, I dont remember much just the hard cold ground as I fell to it. 



I hears Tara yelling for somebody to help, but everything jsut went black. 

Kendrick POV:

I was driving around and my phone kept going off, but I didnt have time for peoples bullshit. I needed to find her I needed to find Tia's mom before she did something stupid. I thought I saw her as she was going into an alley. 

I followed closely behind and walked up on her in the alley as she was slumped over crying. 

"Bitch you thought you could cross me!" I yelled. 

She didnt speak she was just mumbling, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" 

"I bet you are say goodbye" I said as I but a bulet between her eyes. I looked away at the sight and I almost felt a tear fall down my cheek. She was like my mother almost, but drugs and money can change a person. I'm a living witness. 

I got back in my car, heading twoards the safehouse when my phone went off again and at this point I was pissed. 

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT" I screamed into the phone not even checking to see who it was. 

"K- TIA'S BEEN SHOT GET TO THE HOSPITAL !" I heard Reese yell through the phone. I dropped my phone as I put two hands on the steeringwheel driving like I didnt care for anyones life. I ran I dont know how many red lights and I swear I almost got pulled over twice. When I got to the hospital I ran in looking for Reese and Tara. 

"YOU THIS IS YOUR FAULT! I TOLD YOU SHE WAS A RAT ! SHE WAS NOT TO BE TRUESTED AND LOOK SHE SHOT TIA! GOD SHE SHOT TIA!" said Tara hitting my chest as she cried. I pulled her close. 

"Who" I asked looking at Reese. 

"Tia Mom" he said looking down. 

The same woamn I just killed shot the girl I love, the woman I need the most. 

"How is she? Is she alright I asked the tears falling down my face. 

"We dont know" he said pulling Tara close to him. We all cried, we all needed Tia and to know we could lose her killed us all. 

"The Family of Tia Lawson" said the woman 

"Us" said Tara running up. 

"Is she ok Doc, is she alive?" I asked looking her in the eye. 

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