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So i wake up to my music playing to K camp comfortable I laid there for 5 more minutes then I huffed and got outta bed and did my hygiene I got out and put on my black shirt with my khaki pants and my black Uggs (uniforms) and I did my hair into a bun after that i grabbed my jacket and book bag and went down stairs good morning my foster mom said morning I said back i headed to the bus stop an seen my bully standing rite their I huffed as he yelled aye bitch come here I looked around for the dog he was Patting his hands on his legs and kept doing it I just busted out laughing then I said aye u a lil pussy then bus came I got on and sat by this cute boy I ain't never seen before out of no were he tapped me and I looked over i said hey he said hi and handed me his schedule I looked at it and said you have all my classes upstairs with me he smiled oh and basketball tryouts are today thanks he said welcome then we got off the bus I started to show him around then out of know we're Khalil came up and slapped me and walked away the boy said are u ok and i said yea Chris bills he said nice name i said then the bell had runged and I grabbed Chris hand and went to first period then Khalil walked into the room and sat beside me and slapped I got up and ran out of the class room and went to the bathroom and cried
Chris Pov
I seen that dude slap her it broke my heart because she is sweet I raised my hand yes mr.bills she said may I go to the bathroom yes you may so I got up and went down the hallway and I heard crying I went in and she was sitting on the floor I sat beside her and hugged her tight and told her that she was to pretty to be crying she smiled a little thank you so much I said how bout we go chill at my house after school today yea but I think my foster parents wouldnt like it but I'll go

Later That day

Chris pov
I was waiting for her at the bus ramp then I seen her she got on and I was right behind her when we sat down I decided to spark up a conversation with india so how was your day good I guess she replied well U still down for later at my place yea why not I been stuck in the house for a long time kool I said you can meet me
the bus came to my stop but I didn't get off I seen my Foster mom standing there but I just put my head down I knew she was gonna get on the bus Chris I whispered yea he said switch Jackets please why my Foster mom will take me off the bus and beat me ok he said so we switched and she came all the way to the back I got scared af then I heard someone say she got left and start walking OK thanks for telling me then she got off I was relieved then the bus stopped again then Chris told me to get come on I said ok when we got on the porch we took our shoes off and walked in I heard a lot of boys yelling but I didn't mind
India pov
He has a nice home but sometimes I wish I still had my mom and dad but I guess it was there time India I heard Chris say yes why r U crying oh its nothing tell me indi OK I miss my parents it gon be ok I hugged her and put my hands on her butt I gussed she liked it Cuz she didnt sat nothing about it so I squeezed her but and she moaned loud in my ear and it turned my on I asked her what she wanted to do and she said she wanted to lay down I said ok Chris I heard my mom yell as she was coming up the stairs she opened the door what the he'll is this boy mom she my friend nothing else I'll tell you but don't tell no one she's here please why Cuz her Foster mom will beat her ok son

India pov
It felt kinda good to be out the house
But there again I was scared to go back to the foster home Chris seemed nice and so did his mom sometimes I wish my mom was here Chris showed me to his room it was dope I liked it

Chris pov
I like India tbh not for her body but her personality she cute asf India I said she didn't answer I looked down she was sleep my door opend I looked up it was my mom and some other women Chris my mom said yes come here I got up the woman went in my room and she had a cable cord in her hand she hit India a couple of times it was bad

India pov
POW I felt a sting on my side I looked up and it was my foster mom I couldn't do nothing but cry as she continued to hit me then she said why your ass didnt come home huh I didn't answer so she hit me again answer me she said I took a deep breath and said I'm sick of tall abusing me and starving me and you let them men come in and touch me u wish I had had a normal fucking life like other kids but I can't I'm tired I'm sick and tired of I said still crying then she came closer towards me and start choking me I gasped for air the I managed to get you better kill me then she dropped me and said come on I said No as she left out the room Chris came backed in and hugged me I just broke down he said come on a take a bath he said I don't have no clothes ok sit here while me and my Bros go get your clothes ok I is all I said I was bleeding pretty bad I just got on the floor and layed down until they got back

Chris pov

n hour an a half later we finished packing the rest of her clothes this girl has style and her shoe game is A1 I kinda felt bad be cause she had no bed all she had was a blanket and a pillow I picked up the pillow and it had a journal in it so I opened it up and started reading it (journal
I wish I could get my mom and dad back i regret telling them to go out and have fun as soon as I did pow just like that their both gone I miss my mom and dad I have no family I wish I had somebody to love me) I was reading it until my Bros said come on so I stuck the book in her bag when we got there I went straight up to my room and seen her on the floor sleeping peacefully so I walked over to her and to her to get up so she could take a bath .

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This Is my first story btw







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