Fro-Yo Magic

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The next morning, the girls are eating breakfast when Star walks in.

Beauty: Dang Star you look like shit

Babydoll: Foreal.....what happened last night?

Star: Nothing...just a little fun

Beauty: I know thats right girl. Lemme tell you what-

<<<The boys walk in>>>

Beauty: I'll tell you later

Roc: Tell who what later?

Beauty: (going to the kitchen) Nothing boy...wit yo nappy head

Roc: That girl is something else

Prince: (sitting next to Babydoll) Yeah, but you love 'em

Roc: Yeah i cannot lie

Ray: Damnn, yall already talkin bout love

Star: Boy dont act surprised

Ray: (kissing her) Yeah, theres something in the water

Prince: Woah there! Whats happening in here

Babydoll: (kissing him) You gotta get use to it

Prince: Yes ma'ma

<<<Everyone laughs and starts kissing>>>

Prod: Dammnnn! I the only one without a girl

Roc: Find some love bro

Prod: (leaving) Love doesn't exist

Beauty: Aww now i feel bad for him.

Star: Lets go talk to him

In Prod's Room

Beauty: (knocking) Prodigy....

Star: (pushing past her) What we look like knocking? Prodigy you okay

Prod: Yeah i guess

Beauty: You know you can lie. Whats up doe?

Prod: Im tired of being the lonely one out

Star: Then go searchin. We in L.A. so find a girl worth yo time

Beauty: Girl you stupid? Theres a lot of trickin hoes out there.

Star: Tru Tru. Prodigy, just find a girl who dont know who you are. I mean atleast she cant play you and all that.

Prod: Thats true. I guess i'll look later

<<<Prodigy walks out looking down at the floor. The girls walk downstairs>>>

Beauty: Damn he got me feeling bad

Star: Foreal but he a strong boy. I know he gon find somebody.

Ray: (laughing) Yeah that will happen...

Beauty: What you mean

Roc: Prod just got some bad luck when it comes to girlfriends

Prince: Yeah like that one girl Tanisha!

Babydoll: Well what happened

Ray: She been TOO ghetto! A real hood rat

Beauty: That dont sound like his type of chick

Roc: Prod date any type of gurl. As long as they show him some love.

Babydoll: Aww thats so sad.

Star: i cant live in a world where Prod is lonely


Prodigy hops in his car and decides to drive around. He ends up at PinkBerry Yogurt Shop.....

Prod: Love is so blind. Why does everyone think they in love? Trust me, they aint!

<<<Just then 2 girls come from inside. One girl forgets something and goes back inside. Prodigy walks in the same time she walk out and they knock each other down>>>

??: (getting up) Woah, just knock me down

Prod: (helping her) Im sorry. I didnt see you

??: So im glass now?

Prod: Umm....i didnt mean it like-

??: (laughing) Calm down, it was just a joke. Im Lyaah.

Prod: Im Prodigy

Lyaah: Prodigy? Like Mindless Behavior Prodigy?

Prod: Yeah, i guess you've heard of me

Lyaah: (walking away) Thats pretty cool, Prodigy

Prod: Wait! Dont you want my number or something?

Lyaah: Not really. But im sure you can have mine.

<<<Lyaah walks up to him and writes her number on his hand>>>

Prod: I'll call you later

Lyaah: (makes the call sign with her hand, as she drives off)

OMG....I Fell In Love With A Mindless Behavior Boy.Where stories live. Discover now