internalised racism

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I think the worst type of racism is the one that people ignore the most tbh.

Internalised racism is when a person has racist attitudes towards themselves and their ethnic group. It is usually caused when a person is in an environment where they are considered a minority and they feel inferior, therefore creating an aura of self hatred.

It is when East Asian women are clouded with the idea that they need to resemble Caucasians and have a whiter shade of skin before they are beautiful.

It's when black boys refuse to be attracted to people of their colour simply because they think that white people are more beautiful.

In Asia there is a lot of emphasis on bleaching and sometimes bleaching is actually useful if you want to even out your skin tone but if you're letting your beautiful skin absorb chemicals all in the hopes of making yourself look white then you're the one losing here because you have lost your natural melanin and beauty but gained higher chances of a skin disease.

Relaxing (perming) your hair is an easier way to manage African hair and as a matter of fact I used to do this to manage it but now my hair is transitioning so it's okay relax your hair if it's easier to manage.

But if you're doing this because you're ashamed of your strong ass hair then there's a problem because you're telling me that you would rather trade in your hair for stringy, greasy (if you don't wash it regularly) and weak hair.

*sips tea casually*

There was this girl that I was babysitting once and in the bathtub she would scrub herself so hard that I thought her skin would peel off. I asked her what she was doing and she told me she was trying to scrub off the dirt on her skin so that she'd be like all of her other friends who were white.

She was only six.

So can we just stop this mentality that white people are better than poc and just embrace ourselves fully the way you are.

If you're white. That's cool.

If you're Asian. That's cool.

If your Middle Eastern. That's cool.

If you're African. That's cool.

It doesn't really matter your skin colour or where your from because you make your own person. Yes, the struggles and strengths of your culture will always impact you in some way but majorly you make yourself so don't belittle yourself because of where you're from. Love yourself for who you are.

- queen z

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