When life gives you wood...

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Catherine, Bash and Mary stood on the other side of the wall as some men shuffled into the room. They started talking, but it was nearly impossible to make out what they were saying.

"Do you think they..." Mary started, but Catherine clapped a hand over her mouth and put a finger to her lips to signal her to be quiet, but in doing so tripped over a piece of the 'chair'. Bash caught her just before she hit the wall. Catherine winced, hoping no one heard her.

"Did you hear something?" They could hear one of the men say. The three of them exchanged worried looks. The heard some creaks and bangs and then footsteps. After a moment, they heard the door close. They all let out breaths they hadn't realized they were holding. They turned to look at the pile of broken wood that now lay in their path.

"Now how do we get this THING out of here?" Catherine asked.

"We can each take a piece. We can burn it when we get back to our rooms." Bash said. Bash broke it up and handed them each some of the broken parts, leaving only the few metal pieces behind. They started making their way back through the passageways, stumbling a bit as they tried to carry the wood through the narrow halls.

"Well, at least that's one crisis averted." Mary said.

"I wouldn't call it averted, just yet. We don't know what's become of Don Carlos." Catherine pointed out.

"What do you mean, 'one crisis'. There's another?" Bash asked.

"Mary has lost the alliance with Spain, Narcisse has stolen the regency out from under me...and oh did I mention I've been blamed for Francis's death. Take your pick." Catherine spat in an irritated tone.

"I'm sorry, what do you mean Narcisse is regent? How is that even possible? And why would anyone think you would hurt Francis? That's preposterous."  He exclaimed. Catherine looked at him, surprised at his defense of her.

"Well, at least someone believes me." She said.

"I believe you too, and I'm sure Charles and Claude will as well." Mary said.

"I wouldn't be so sure about Claude. I did poison her." Catherine reminded them.

"That wasn't your fault, you weren't yourself." Bash said.

"Try explaining that to the council." she huffed. "The way they looked at me, I'm as good as convicted in their minds." Catherine said.

"We just have to find proof..." Bash started.

"I'm sure Narcisse hasn't left any." Mary said.

"You think he planned it all along?" Bash asked.

"Of course he did, it's Narcisse. One would have to be a fool to..." Mary began and then looked at Catherine. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean..." Catherine shook her head.

"It's alright. I was a fool. I don't know why I was ever with him in the first place." she spat.

"I should have killed him when I had the chance. I can't believe you let Lola marry him." Bash seethed.

"I didn't really have much say in the matter, and I did warn her." Mary answered.

"I guess she doesn't take your advice at much value, but then again she's always been the least loyal of your ladies hasn't she?" Catherine said.

"Catherine, Lola is a victim in this as well." she said.

"Is she? If you ask me that's what she gets for stealing him from me. At least I never would have been stupid enough to marry him and give him power over me." Catherine said as they arrived at her rooms. She went through first and then Mary.

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