Between a Flint and a Steel Piece

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"Bash. Catherine. What on earth are the two of you doing here?" Nostradamus asked as he let them in. "And why are you wearing men's clothing?"

"Catherine has been framed. For Francis's murder." Bash said.

"Well that's ridiculous, who would believe such a thing?" Nostradamus asked.

"Apparently everyone. They say he was poisoned. They presented the council with his blackened liver. Mary was able to sneak me out of the castle by wearing this." she said gesturing toward her outfit with disgust.

"No, Francis could not have been poisoned. I examined him thoroughly. His symptoms didn't match any poison I know of, even the kind that can't be detected." Nostradamus explained.

"I figure someone must have tampered with his liver after it was removed." Catherine said.

"Or bribed the Cardinal." Bash guessed. Catherine looked at him surprised.

"Yes. I was thinking the same." she nodded. "We need to speak with the embalmer. We should go now." she started for the door. Bash held out a hand to stop her.

"No. It's late and Saint Denis is too far. Besides, I have to get back to the castle so I'm not suspected to be involved in your disappearance. I'll be back in the morning to get you, if that's alright with Nostradamus." he said looking up at him. Nostradamus nodded.

"No matter that she would leave me for dead, I will not do the same." he said.

"I didn't leave you for dead. There was nothing I could have done. My hands were tied." she explained.

"No Catherine. My hands were tied...and my feet." he said. Catherine truly had felt guilty over it, but he'd betrayed her first. Drugged her and made her look a fool. There really hadn't been anything she could do, but she could have at least tried. He would have done it for her.

"I suppose I let my anger get the better of me. I am sorry, but you did put yourself in that position." she said.

"Is this going to be a problem?" Bash asked. Nostradamus and Catherine looked at each other and then back at Bash shaking their heads. "Good. Be ready to go at first light." he added as he left. Nostradamus sighed and picked up a pot from next to the fire.

"Would you like some tea?" He asked.

"Tea? So you're just going to pretend everything is normal?" She questioned.

"Does that mean you don't want any?" He ventured. She rolled her eyes.

"I'll take that as a yes...Tea would be fine." She conceded as she removed her hat and jacket, placing it on a chair and sitting. She ran a hand through her hat hair and looked around. "Since I'm here, I wonder...have you seen anything I should know about?"

"Catherine, after what happened with Francis, I have come to the conclusion that my visions bring more harm than good. Knowing the future doesn't mean that you can change it." He said handing her a cup. "I'm sorry, but I won't be sharing them with you anymore."

"That means you have seen something then..." she concluded.

"If you're worried that you won't shake this false accusation, I'll assure you you will, but that's all I will tell you." He said.

"There must be more you can say." Catherine pushed.

"Trust those who helped you tonight. No one else." He said.

"That's it? Are you saying I'll be betrayed by someone?" Catherine asked.

"Haven't you already been betrayed?" He said.

"By Narcisse, but what does that have to..." she began.

"It was merely friendly advice. No more prophecies Catherine." He reiterated. She let out a frustrated breath and took a sip of tea through her pursed lips.

When Bash arrived back at the castle he ran into Christophe as he made his way back to the council meeting room.

"You again?" Bash said as Christophe stepped in front of him.

"Where did you take her?" He asked.

"I don't know what you're talking about?" Bash asked.

"I know you and Queen Mary took her out of the castle. Where did you take her?" He clarified.

"No offense..." he paused realizing he didn't know his name.

"Christophe." He told him.

"No offense Christophe, but I don't know you, and I'm not about to trust you with such sensitive information. She's safe, that's all you need to know." He said trying to walk by him. Christophe put a hand on his chest threateningly and stopped him.

"I don't know you either, except your King Henry's bastard. How do I know you even want her safe." He said. Bash looked him in the eyes.

"She's the King's mother. My brother. Protecting her IS protecting him." He said.

"I have the right to know." Christophe said.

"Why? Just because you've been sleeping with her? This is royal business...servant. You have the right to nothing." he hissed.

"I hate to break it to you, but you're not a royal either." Christophe pointed out.

"I'm King's Deputy. It's my job to know these things." He paused a moment, not liking what he saw in Christophe's expression. He leaned in threateningly. "If anyone...finds out who spirited Catherine away...I will make sure you die for it."

"I have no reason to tell anything, as long as she returns..." he added.

"She will." Bash insisted.

"Good." He said, before turning and walking down the hall. Bash eyed him as he disappeared around the corner. He didn't like him at all. No, there was definitely something off about him...

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