Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

It had taken every ounce of control he could muster not to wring Cordelia's neck. Andrew gritted his teeth in frustration as she explained - painfully slowly between sobs - about what happened when Thomas went to visit her.

Apparently, Mr Smith had followed his brother soon after he had left to the tavern and that was when he had initiated his plan. A few days later, he'd fired his butler and maidservant, bringing Cordelia and her mother here. Even though Andrew desperately wanted to blame Cordelia for all this, he knew it had been his fault all along. Mr Smith's reputation had been ruined because of him, causing the man to brutally maim his own wife and daughter. The bitterness towards the Lockharts was only intensified when Cordelia told him she loved Thomas, a man most fathers would never allow their daughters courtship with for fear of a ruined reputation. Others would gladly sell their daughters off as long as they received a decent amount of money.

When Cordelia was through, Andrew moved away from Jasmine and stepped out the door into the hall, taking deep, calming breaths. He heard the door open and close gently behind him and he didn't have to turn around to know who it was.

''Andrew?" she asked in concern.

''When you really think about it,'' he began, staring at the wall blankly. ''It was my fault Thomas got killed. If I hadn't let my anger get the best of me, Mr Smith would have no reason to hate Thomas so much and would have happily allowed Cordelia to marry my brother - even if it meant he'd just be using her for the money. You saw how she looked, Jasmine. Defeated and broken just like Thomas must have been.'' his voice cracked at the realisation. ''That woman is like that because of me.''

''You must not blame yourself,'' she moved to stand in front of him so that he could see the truth in her eyes. ''True, you lost your temper and Mr Smith gained hatred towards your family. But you didn't kill your brother. I may not know much about Thomas but I can assure you that he wouldn't have wanted you to feel this way about yourself. Cordelia feels guilty as well but this was all the work of one man - Mr Smith. He's the one who acted on his revenge and killed your brother and beat Cordelia and her mother.''

Andrew tried to give her a smile but it came out forced. How could he think that when the seed of doubt had already been planted? He had been the cause of two people's unhappiness by opening his big mouth. Regret gnawed at his insides. If only he could change the past.

Jasmine enveloped him in a hug, startling him out of his depressing thoughts. He returned the gesture and rested his chin on the top of her head. This woman was too good to be true. She felt right in his arms, as though she had always belonged there, and he relished her comfort.

He thought back to when he had asked Thomas why he'd adopted such a roguish reputation in the first place. Why he'd practically declared himself a rake among the members of the ton.

''Because, dear confused Andrew,'' his brother had asnwered, stroking his chin thoughtfully. ''Any normal woman would never want to throw herself at a man who would only ravish her and leave her tarnished. I would be free from all those matchmaking mothers.''

''But you must get married eventually,'' Andrew had insisted, not quite understanding. ''What woman would willingly want to marry a rake?"

"That is my point exactly. None. Unless they are desperate and believe me, I would know. If a woman would willingly enjoy my company despite my reputation and past mistakes, then she would definately be the one to keep. Not many are capable of that, you know.''

Andrew had thought his brother insane at the time. Looking back now, it was obvious that his brother had been right in a twisted kind of way.

''Thank you, Jasmine,'' he whispered.

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