Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Mirrors couldn't possibly lie. They are the reflection of one's outward apperance after all. When you look into a mirror, you expect to see yourself - as you've always been. Unless, of course, something had happened which caused some kind of change and you'd wanted to see how much of a difference that something made. In Jasmine's case, Charlotte had completely transformed her appearance, so much so that she couldn't recognise the young woman staring back at her.

Instead of her usually plain bun, her chestnut hair was now adorned with pearls and lace. Her blue evening gown had a sweetheart neckline and the bodice had been bedazzled with rhinestones. The silver necklace she wore was diamond encrusted with a large sapphire stone in the centre. She had even worn matching sapphire earrings - she had only ever worn pearl earrings. Overall, she was stunning. Wasn't tonight only a simple soiree?

"Are you quite finished staring at my work?" Charlotte asked, smiling.

The two of them had been in the powder room for the past five minutes because Charlotte had insisted it would be better for Jasmine not to see herself until they had arrived at the dinner party. And Jasmine had dragged her to the powder room with her, leavin Aunt Cathy, Lady Jane and Rosaline behind.

"Almost," Jasmine replied, turning slightly so she could better look at herself. "I love it but don't you think this is a bit much for a simple soiree?"

"Simple?" Charlotte asked in shock. "Did you not see the size of this manor? The decorative tapestries, the chandeliers, the food, the way other people are dressed to impress? This is being hosted by Lady Cadwell. You know how that woman is. This might as well be a royal ball." 

"You're right, Charlotte. But this is so different from what I usually wear. I guess I'm too much of a wallflower."

"Which is why that's going to change tonight." Charlotte handed her a fan. "Remember what I taught you. Carrying the fan open with your left hand means you want the man to come and talk to you. Just make sure you make eye-contact so that no unwanted company gets the wrong idea."

"Yes, I remember. And thank you for everything."

"Thank me when the plan works. Besides, since I'm betrothed to a stranger," she spat the word as though it were a curse. "I can't take part in flirting with men as Father forbids it. So you are really doing this for me."  

"Let's go,then," Jasmine said laughing.

The two of them made their way hastily to the ballroom, where everyone else was gathered. The ballroom was indeed beautifully decorated. Tapestries lined the walls and the diamond chandeliers glinted above them, refracting mini-rainbows when one took a closer look.

In no time, the Dowager Duchess, Lady Cadwell had welcomed both Charlotte and Jasmine and introduced them to most of her friends. After making their aquaintance, Jasmine excused herself to the refreshment table. All kinds of cakes, sweets and scones were delicately placed on the table and although she really wanted to try the chocolate muffins, she settled for a glass of lemonade instead. One could never know when a handsome gentleman may show up and chocolate-stained teeth were not considered attractive.  

Just as she replaced her now empty glass on the table, a tall man with raven hair and thin moustache approached her.

"Bonsoir, madamoiselle," he greeted, kissing the back of her gloved hand. "I am Vicomte de Caritat, Pierre Durand. It is an honour to be in the presence of such a lovely woman,"

A Frenchman, she thought. I've always loved their accents.

"Bonsoir, monsiuer Pierre," she replied. "It is a pleasure to meet you. I am Lady Jasmine Winters,"

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