Don't You Dare!

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"No no no! Please! You can't do this to me! You can't—! No! Please don't! Don't you dare! Charles please! Please...!" You frantically begged him. Charles hesitantly lifted his hands to the side of your head and placed them there. Tears brimming in his eyes, he said, "I'm sorry Y/N." Then he took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

You tried desperately to keep hold of the memories in your head, while pleading with him to let you stay. It started slowly, almost hesitantly. You began to forget everyone you met, and everything you had begun to love. As your memories are slowly erased, you painfully try to hold onto all of them. You grasp at all the moments you shared with the team, your friends, and... Him. Charles. You never wanted to forget him, you loved him too much.

You stared into his blue eyes, the ones you'd spent so much time admiring. Your hands gripped his arms in desperation. You didn't want to forget those moments, you wanted to spend the rest of your life with him.

Your eyes begged him to let you keep those precious memories. He gave you a look of pity and guilt, but shook his head slightly, sealing your fate.

As memories faded from your mind, tears began to spill over your eyelids and drip down your cheeks. Every moment that you were happy with them, the team. Those weeks of training, fighting by their side, sitting around and talking, enjoying dinner together. It was all fading. Every moment that you laughed with them or they made your heart swell.

You pleaded one last time, "Please don't, Charles! I love you..." Finally, your mind grasped at nothing as everything went black.

Charles caught her as she went limp in his arms. He didn't bother to hold back the tears anymore. He cradled her unconscious body while the tears spilled. It was the hardest thing he had ever done.

"I'm sorry Y/N. I'm so, so sorry." He couldn't stop apologizing.

After holding her for a few more moments, he looked down at her. He brushed her (h/c) hair—that he loved to run his fingers through—out of her face. She looked calm, as if she were sleeping. Guilt stabbed through him again. He would miss waking up next to her beautiful face every morning. He took a moment to memorize everything about her, that he would never see again. He didn't let himself linger any longer, and carefully picked her up.

He carried her into her bedroom, and laid her down on her bed, making sure she was comfortable. Finally, he knelt beside her unconscious form to say his last goodbye.

"You'll be alright. This is for the best," he said it more for himself, than her. "I'm sorry. I love you. And it's because I love you that I had to do this." He paused to compose himself, then continued, "You'll be okay. We'll both be fine." Before he left her to her new life, he bent down and kissed her temple lightly. Then he smoothed her hair one last time and walked out.

Just like that, he left her life. It was for the best. Besides...she would be fine...

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