@HettyHootHoot: ITS TOMORROW!👅💘
@lukehemmings Liked your photo!
I smiled down at my phone, once again Luke liked my photo and Yasmin laughed.
"You're always smiling like an idiot when he likes your photos." She said and I shook my head. "You love him.." She said making my head snap up.
"We're just friends, Okay." I said and she chuckled and nodded.
"Sureeeee." She said and I shook my head at her. Suddenly my phone started to ring and I picked it up, without looking at the ID.
"Hello Abi, yes we got here safely and we are in the hotel room now, no need to worry." I said and when I didn't get a reply I frowned. "Hellooooo?" I said and I then heard someone laughing.
"Hetty, babe, it's me.." I heard Luke say and I froze.
"What's wrong?" Yasmin whispered over to me but I ignored her.
"Hetty?" Luke said down the phone which increased my breathing which he noticed. "I can hear you breathing." He chuckled.
"Uh, hi Luke.." I said and immediately, Yasmin's head snapped up and her eyes widened.
"Hey, I was checking if you've got there safely and everything." He said and the smile on his face was really clear.
"Y-yeah, I'm alright.." I said looking down to my nails and I heard him breathe a shaky breath.
"I'm so excited to see you." Luke whispered making me smile.
"So am I." I smiled.
I heard muffled voices.
"Luke, who are you talking to?" I heard someone say and I heard Luke sigh.
"Hetty, why?" She said, he obviously took the phone away from his head because the voice was quiet.
"Can you put her on speaker??" Another voice said and I instantly knew that it was Michael.
"Ughhhh, fine.." Luke said and he must have put it on because I heard the boys bickering.
"Hi Hetty!!!!" I heard a chorus of people shouting down the phone and I chuckled.
"Uh, hi guys!" I said and I heard them chuckle.
"Are you excited about seeing the concert tomorrow?" I heard Ashton say and I couldn't control my breathing properly.
"So excited yeah!" I said smiling.
"Are you going with anyone?" Michael asked and I looked up to yas to see her smiling at me.
"Yeah, my friend Yasmin." I said winking at her.
"Is she there now?" Ashton asked.
"Yeah.." I said.
"Is she the one from your Instagram photos?" Michael asked and I nodded.
"Yep, that's her." I said and they all 'awed'. "Why?" I said chucking.
"Calum has a crush on her." Luke said chuckling and raised an eyebrow.
"Shut up for fuck sakes!! Luke you can say anything you w-" Calum was cut off by Luke turning off the speaker.
"Sorry about that babe.." Luke said and immediately, a swarm of butterflies entered my stomach.
"It's- it's alright." I said shaking my head.
"Well I've got to go, I have practice.." He said and I nodded but soon realising that he can't see me.
"Alright." I said.
"Talk to you soon babe." He said and I smiled at babe again.
"Okay, bye Luke.." I said and he said bye and he then hung up.