1. YOU GET TO DO F-ING MAGIC!!!!!!!!!!
2. Our government needs help. The MOM is better.
3. You get a pet owl! You can train an owl to get you mail, but in HP, owls are WAY smarter.
4. Turn into an animal!!!! Also a patronus is amazing to have!!! I want a Phoenix or something.
5. Okay. You can do magic. And make potions. And possibly go dark and evil. Or be like Dumbledore and Harry Potter! Or be a ditzy-naive Luna, a ginger with a fat man living with him, a girl with buck teeth and terrible hair, or a big-nosed grease-ball weird sort-of-bad-kind-of-good guy.
Whatever floats your boat!!!
(No offense to anyone who knows and loves the HP characters. I love them to. And the whole friggin HP series. Yes I say friggin a lot. Don't judge. You'll probably judge me anyways. :p)
And finalllyyyyyyyyyyyyy.........
6. It's Harry Potter dude!!!! The best thing ever since my birth!!!!!!! So many reasons.....can't.....name.....all.......*faints*