Alya's Interview

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(Last updated March 17, 16)

It was Friday. I realize that when I looked at the calendar to see how many more days till the next birthday. "Oh Plagg. I need to tell you we have an interview today. Don't be stupid" I warned. He laughs at me but nods when I gave him the stern look dad's give to their kids when they did something wrong.

"Ok ok fine! Jeez you can be so weird" he scratches his head and goes back under my vest.
I went to the limo and realize the man who drives the limo wasn't here today so I decided to walk. "Plagg I forgot to ask what time... Probably at nine but... I can't tell" I scratch my head. "Well then go to school as Cat and ask. Then, when your done asking, go back to yourself. It's kinda gonna be hard but I guess you can wander into the locker room and get back into Adrien" Plagg blabbers on and on but that was all the info I really needed.

As I got onto the school ground, Chloe bounces to me (well skipping but she looked like she was bouncing) and kisses my cheek. "So your playing Cat right? In the play? Well then we can rehearse together at my place~" she bats her eyes.

"Uh no thanks Chloe. But thanks for the offer. I kinda want to practice it on my own" I laugh nervously. She frowns and her friend walks up behing her, tapping her shoulder. They wander back into the building.
I let out a sigh and ran into the restroom and transformed in a stall. It was kinda awkward but I walked out, uhphased by the amount of girls who were giggling and trying to get my attention. Screaming fangirls.

I found Alya, Marinette, and Nino in the library where the computers were. Alya was on her blog. "Excuse me but can I find a girl named Alya around here?" I asked. Marinette turns around and almost bursted out laughing. "OHMYGODCATNOIR!!" Alya fangirls.

"I just wanted to ask what time the interview shall be held and where" I smile. "Uh oh um... Six and uh... Under the Eiffel tower!" Alya smiles and jumps up and down, getting Marinette to do that too. Nino look unphased.

"Thanks Alya. See ya later now" I say and run back into the locker room (which one or two people were there in one row) and transformed back. I shake my head wildly and look back up to see my surroundings.
The interview was in an hour. I was just to come as is. But I want to put something on that's kinda flashy. A new bell maybe? Pierce an ear? Nah, too weird. Maybe I can go with a new bell. Or get the one I already have polished.

I sit at the base of the tower, writing stories in an empty notebook. I can't really understand what I am writing because the words fall from the pencil and onto the paper. I'm not even looking at the paper and when I do, I see a full paragraph with words I don't even remember writing.

Nathanael is sitting here too, drawing the Eiffel tower. From below?! That seems kinda hard!! "Hey Nathanael. How are you able to draw the Eiffel tower from down here?" I asked him. He looks up, frowns, and responds with a sad tone. "I uh... Memorized what it looked like... Uh... Why are you here?" He asks.

"To meet up with someone" I gave him a smile but he only frowns. "Marinette??" He looks even more sad since he mentioned her name. "No uh... A friend. We are going to work on my photo shoot" I lie.
"Ok... Do you.... Really like Marinette??" He looks down, blushing. "Yeah. Of course. She's the world to everyone she knows" I smile. "Ok... I'm going back to drawing..." He looks back down to his drawing and his hand had instinctively drawn Marinette. He blushes and erases it.

I look at my watch. 5:57. I ran to the Champ de Mars (which is a garden), and turned into Cat Noir in a shrub. I popped out and found Alya standing near a bunch of tourists.

I ran over, making sure there was no traffic on the road, and tapped her shoulder. She turned around and her face beamed. "Glad ya did not turn me down!" She smiles. The tourist look at me and walk away in a hurry.

"Bet they think you are a cosplayer or something" she laughs. "Well they don't even understand us so...." I look at the foreigners who were giggling. I give a quick snide smirk which made the girls go gaga.

"Can we start the interview? I'm dying to ask you questions" she smiles, tilts her head, then looks back upward. "Sure. Lets go where the people don't talk as loudly, and I know just the place" I say, taking Alya's hand and running back to where I transformed.

"Ok question one! Do you really like Ladybug?" She asks. "Hehe. Well it was kinda one sided till I figured out her identity. Which I am not telling. But yeah. Figures out that both sides actually liked each other" I smile.
She filmed me with her phone so awkwardly, but then we got to the last question at around seven. "Last question! What would you have done if you have never met Ladybug" she says, sternly eyeing me.

"Well my heart would have never known. And I would have never loved her the way I love her now" I smile nervously, scratching my head.

"Omg thanks for having an interview with me!!" She smiles and puts her face close to mine and films us together. "Your welcome. Glad I can be apart of your blog!!" I smile.

We parted ways (well rather she left first) and I turned back into myself in the shrub (again). But somehow, that last question got me thinking, what would I have done if I have never met Marinette or Ladybug?

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