Phone Call Warning

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(Last updated December 26, 15)

I woke up to a crazy Sunday morning. Today I had a photo shoot and I wanted to go out with Marinette to the duck pond. I hope I had time for it in my schedule...

"Adrien? Are you awake?" Natalie knocks on my door. "Yes. You can come in" I say, sitting up when Natalie comes in. She always has my schedule. "Oh I forgot to tell you yesterday, your mother will be coming to see you in two days" Natalie says, handing me the usual clipboard with a paper on it. "Oh really?? Thanks Natalie" I smile as I look at the paper.

the photo shoot went till 12:00 and I had lunch till one. The free time left was till sundown at five thirty something. "Ok thanks" I say, handing the clipboard to Natalie and she clicks away.

I went onto my phone and texted Marinette if she wanted to go to the duck pond. She replies only two minutes later with 'omg yes!'. I smile at that and went to get changed into the first set-up suit.

The photo shoot was at a bakery close by to the duck pond. Go figure. I texted Marinette again to let her know the time during my break. Since it was a bakery, they had cheese to go with their breads so I tucked a piece of sharp cheddar in my vest so Plagg can eat something.

Honestly, I thought those were the longest hours of my life. With hours on end taking pictures of me pounding a piece of dough and rolling it out. Wow. Am I doing this for a baking magazine?!

"Lunch everyone!" Someone called from the crew. FINALLY!!! I met up with my father at the restaurant nearby. I have been here before with my mom but never with my dad. "So you must have been told that your mother is coming back from her long stay in the Andes" he takes his coffee and sips it.

"Yes father I have. I am so excited. Can I be able to have the week mom is here.. off? From photo shoots I mean. Not school" I say. I really want him to say yes. "Actually, I have nothing for you to do that week so... You can be with your mom. I kinda.... Saved up something for someone.... It's an important business thing that is either gonna tip the whole thing over or keep things on my favor" he smiles.

"Ok? I hope it's a new design line. I kinda am getting bored of these dull colors. Maybe poppy??" I smile. He shakes his head and that was the end of the conversation.

At 2:09 I arrived at the duck pond, noticing that Marinette was already there, drawing in her sketch pad. "Hey m'lady" I smile. She looks up, completely taken aback till she sees my face. "Oh my god Adrien I thought you were a serial killer or something!!" She sounds frightened.

I look down as I was still wearing a black and white flannel with black jeans. "Kinda looks good huh? I told my dad if we added color..." I shut up, thinking that's not a good conversation starter.

"Hm... The duck pond is not looking.... Ducky. They must have went south?" She tilts her head at the pond. There was one or two ducks still there but there was nothing else.

"Well maybe they did. Wouldn't be suprised since it is fall" I smile. "It's allergy season. Shouldn't you be kinda... Sneezing? There's two to three ducks in that pond" Marinette looks at me with confusion.

" They are too far. It wouldn't ah-choo!!" I sneeze, rubbing my nose afterwards. "There it is" I say, sounding really dumb right now. Marinette giggles and places her hand on my shoulder.

"Ya know, it would have been weird if we never knew each other. In our superhero forms I mean. Like, what would happen if we had never met each other to save Paris?" Marinette asks.

"We probably would have been saving Paris our own ways. But I still love the fact that I do know you" I smile as best as I can without sneezing.

"Good. I would have been mad if you said something stupid you silly kitty" she giggles, patting my head. My phone rings and I look at who it could be. My mother. She hasn't called me in a long time.

"Can I take this?" I look to Marinette. "Sure. I will wait" she smiles. Hopefully she doesn't think I'm weird. I answer it. "Hello? Mom? Ya there?" I look away. "Sweetie? It's me. I kinda wanted to know what color you like?" She says over the phone. "Oh black. Why?" I ask.

"Just as I thought. I gotta go sweetie. Please promise me you will not activate that ring ok? What ever you do, don't turn into Cat Noir" she says warning me. She knew??

"But mom how did you know I am-" "long story short, I watched the news and knew it was you. I gotta go" she says hurriedly and the call ends. I look back at Marinette who was drawing some sort of ice skates.

"Who was that?" She asks and puts down her pencil. "My mom. I guess she knew I was Cat... She's the one who gave me my ring" I say. "Well what did she say?" She asks. "Told me not to turn into Cat Noir. I don't know why but... She seemed really worried" I look down and sneeze.

"You should listen to her. I can go patrolling tonight just in case something happens. You don't have to worry about it" Marinette pats my back. I look up to her and then my phone rings again. My father this time.

"Son I forgot to tell you that I wasn't going to be there when your mother is gonna be here. I'm going on a trip to America to talk about the fashion line" he says. "You could have told me that earlier!" I whine. "Yes but I was caught up in something else. Now I got to go. Make sure you come home before dark" he says and the call ends. "My father called to tell me that he wasn't gonna be there for when my mother arrives" I frown.

"I bet they talk often" Marinette tries to sound positive. We stay quiet for a while till Marinette receives a phone call saying she was needed at home. "Bye Adrien. See you tomorrow" she smiles and walks off. I sit on the bench for a few minutes till I decided to go as well. Worst date ever.

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