No Problem

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"Ugh I honestly could not believe that the lights fell!" Nathanael sighed as we walked to class. "Yeah... Wonder what did happen though. Maybe it was just not put up properly" Marinette looked down. I open the door to the two and we were greeted by the teacher.

"Heard what happened in the auditorium. Nathanael, they want to see you" she says. "Can I go too?" Marinette and I say simultaneously. "Sure. Just all of you come back to class when you're done" she leads us out and closes the door behind us.

"Oh God's above.... I've never been called to the principal at this school. I really hope he isn't mad at me because I didn't do it" Nathanael buries his hands in his face.

"It's ok Nathanael. We've got your back on this one. We know you were in the black box. You're alibi is solid because witnesses were there too" I pat his back as we walked slowly. "Are you sure? You guys would really back me up?" He asked.

"Yeah! We will never leave a friend like ya behind" Marinette smiled. "Thanks Mari... Thanks Adrien..." He smiled and continues swaying his head below.

"No problem" we both say.

"So the cost comes out to 200 euros to replace the light that fell. It's that big spot light right?" The principal asked, clicking a pen nervously.

"Yes sir" I decided to say since Nathanael was very very scared. "Alright. Well this is coming out of the money you make in the performance-" "what?! I thought it was going to be free!" Marinette yelped.

"Well now since we have to pay for something to be replaced, it's gonna cost three dollars for admission" the principal sighed and put away his book that he was writing on.

"Ok.... Well uh.... You're not mad at me?" Nathanael looks up and brushes his bangs aside. "Very little. You said the first thing when you came in, "it wasn't me I was in the black box" so I believe that is true. It's always good to give the benifit of the doubt. So I leave you with a warning, Nathanael" he places his hands on his lap.

"Oh my god I am so relieved right now" Nathanael laughed, exasperated. "Now go back to class you three. The teacher is waiting for you" he shows us to the door.

"Well now what? Do you think we have the time to tell everyone that the entry fee is three dollars? Why can't we just accept donations?" Marinette collapsed on the floor and sighed, taking off her backpack and staring out onto the street.

"Well there will be a lot of people attending, especially since its for the two superheroes... You and me. But if no one donates, we don't have anything. So it's best to just give an admission fee out of the blue than waiting for one lucky person to give us that money" I sat down next to her and squeezed her hand.

Alya ran up to us and sits down. "Hey you two. Waiting for something? School has ended and we don't have rehearsal" Alya pokes Marinette on the cheek. "I was just waiting for Adrien's limo to appear so I can-" "wait that's the reason why you just sat here? Man I thought you were just waiting for your parents to pick you up" Alya groans.

"Hahah yeah.... I don't really want to ride in the limo though.... I need exercise anyways. I always need to stay in shape" Marinette smiled. My limo rides up in front of the school and Marinette got up.

I got up and kissed her on the forehead. "Talk to you about this soon. We can even include Nathanael on the chat.. get it? Chat" I laughed. "Very funny. Talk soon Adrien" Mari laughed and walks away with Alya.

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