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So. Let me get this straight.
a) you built a time machine... out of a DeLorean?
b) When I search for keyword "Apple" do I mean the fruit or the data harvester?
I'm thinking fruit, but Apple has become so rich and famous that they actually eclipse the fruit in popularity. I say this because I wanted a picture of an apple for a stupid presentation(Apples: Friends/Food?) and the first result in the search engine that I use (hint: it's google) and the first image that I saw was the Apple logo.


I'm fine with Apple, but the fact that they have overtaken one of the most common fruits of the world kind of worries me. I can imagine, since they've already taken over the fruit that they'll start with other nouns, too.

The Future
The Apples are especially active today. Something to do with apples and apples. The other apples in the neighbourhood are acting up, saying that there's a great apple coming. Apple has taken all of the apple forms now, and they've already trademarked the apple "Eat". What's next, every apple just the apple "apple" repeated over again?

More Future
Apple apple apple the apple that we apple previously appled as the "apple apple apple apple". Thus, Apple apple apple the apple into apple own apples. I apple about apple l, apple and apple. They apple apple the same recently. What's apple? Every apple apple just the apple "Apple" apple over and over?

Dystopian war-world future
Apple apple apple apple, apple apple apple apple apple. The apple apple apple apple and apple apple apple apple apple apple. Once again, apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple and the Apple apple Apple apple apple apple. Apple, apple apple.


Seconds before the sun expands into red Giant and swallows earth

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