Chapter Four

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Michael prepares everything he needs to make a joint. "I know you're not smoking that right now. Not in here," Calum says sternly, but Michael just ignores him and continues rolling a joint. He then lights it up. "Anyone want some?" he holds the joint up but the others shake their head. "Pussies." Michael says and continues to smoke. Luke looks at him from the corner of his eye. The way the tip of the joints light up in an orange glow at the tip when Michael takes a drag, the way he inhales as if he's sucking onto life and the way he exhales, and how a cloud of smoke comes out and lingers in the air. He doesn't think Michael sees him staring, but he does and walks right over to Luke. He blows a little smoke in his face and Luke begins to cough. "Don't tell me you're that weak now. Want a little?" he then leans over to Luke's ear and whispers "I saw you staring. Are you curious?" He looks back into Luke's eyes. The shy boy thinks about this for a moment and then nods. Michael chuckles and shows him how to smoke it. Luke coughs a lot, but Michael laughs it off and takes him to the back of the classroom and Michael prepares another joint. He watches as the boy's blue eyes get glassy and red and he slumps in his seat. Ashton walks over and points to the joint that hasn't been lit yet. Michael hands it to him and tries to show him, but Ashton stops him. "I got it." He smokes it perfectly. Ashton is giggling about something that Luke said, and Michael laughs hysterically. "Man, that has got to be the girliest fucking giggle I've ever heard. Not even a girl can giggle like that," Michael says and smacks his knee. But his focus is on Calum, who just faces the front of the room, tapping his long fingers along the desk. "What Calum, you're too good for us?!" Luke asks/yells and Michael smiles. "Yea Hood, you too cool to us? Too popular? You're a fucking king right Calum? You don't converse or smoke with peasants!" Michael yells and the three boys howl in laughter. Calum comes over to the back of the room. "No. I just don't smoke. I refuse to ruin my ride to a good university for this shit," he says aggressively and Michael blows smoke in his face. "C'mon man, it's just a little bit of weed. It won't harm you Calum. Try it, I know you want to." Calum takes the joint out of Michael's mouth and inhales. "There, now you won't be so tense right man?" Michael asks and Calum sighs. He can't deny, it's actually kind of good, and he likes the feeling of being lifted he gets from it. Calum just nods and the boys continue to smoke. They're high as a cloud and the feelings they feel right now are beyond amazing. "Damn, look at me, getting the jock, brainiac, and emo kid to smoke with me. Shit, I don't believe it." Michael says. The boys just laugh until Ashton takes off his jacket. To his defense, it's hot in that room and the smoke only makes it worse. Luke's gasp is enough to say it all. Ashton looks down at his wrists and realizes he forgot to put on his bracelets today. The room gets silent and Ashton goes back to his desk, embarrassed and vulnerable. He puts his head in his hands and he feel the tears begin to pour over, having no control. Michael and the guys move closer to Ashton.. Ashton wipes his tear stained face and puts his hoodie back on. "Man, why?" is all Calum asks. Ashton holds up his head, refusing to look weak. "You want to know why Calum?!" Michael suddenly yells. "Because his life isn't fucking perfect like yours okay you dumb fuck?!" Calum gets up. "How do you know my life is perfect? You don't know a fucking thing about me!" Michael pushes him. "Yeah, because I wasn't your best fucking friend for nine fucking years you fucking bastard!" Ashton and Luke look at the scene taking place. "You two are best friends?" Luke mumbles, clearly shocked. Michael rolls his eyes. "Used to. Used to be best friends. Until high school came and Calum decided he was too good for me Luke." Michael light green eyes, turn dark. "It wasn't like that." Calum mutters at the ground, avoiding Michael's gaze. "Then what was it like Calum? Is it different than it sounds?" Luke asks.

Calum is ashamed. He never felt bad for the fact that Michael and him drifted apart, He just thought it kind of happened, but maybe it didn't. Maybe he was a bad best friend and caused the drift. Maybe if instead of being an asshole who just wanted to be popular, and wasn't afraid of judgment, he could have taken Michael under his wing and maybe, just maybe, he wouldn't be doing the shit he does now. Calum realizes, maybe it is his fault. "Fine, it was like that," Calum finally mutters. Michael slams the chair into the desk and lights up another joint. "Yeah I figured so. Not that I'm shocked, you've always been like that." Michael says. "Like what?" the brown eyed boy asks. He inhales and chuckles. "Afraid. Afraid of being different. Afraid of being your own person. You always had to fit in. It wasn't the first time you ditched me in our friendship because you were afraid of being different." Luke's eyes widen. "Wow." Ashton takes the joint from Michael and inhale. Calum's eyes darken and he walks away to his seat. "Maybe if you weren't doing this stupid shit, we'd still be friends!" Calum yells at no one in particular. "No Calum. No we wouldn't be friends. And we wouldn't be friends because even if I didn't commit crimes, cause trouble, didn't drink or do drugs, and didn't have my piercings or my tattoos or dyed my hair, I still wouldn't be enough for you. You think everyone wants to be you and worships you, and they think you're so strong and manly, but in reality, you're the weakest boy I've ever met. Physically, no, but mentally, yes. You don't know how to think for yourself. You can't form your own opinions. You're like a robot. A robot of society who just conforms because it's all you know how to do. If you tried to form your opinion, I bet your brain would explode. And I, I don't want those kind of people in my life Calum. Not anymore." Michael says. Three pairs of eyes widen at Michael. "You know what? I do have opinions. I can think for myself. You're just jealous because I have it all together and you can't figure out shit about yourself. Your reality is so bad, you need drugs just to escape it." The two other boys not in the argument sit there awkwardly, looking at each other. Michael looks over at Calum, the glare he gives him could harden a cloud. "You know nothing of my reality, or why I do the things I do. And it's none of your goddamn business on what I do with my life. These decisions are mine and mine alone."

Luke tries to interject but he's mumbling. Again. "Speak up or shut the hell up Hemmings," Michael says when he hears Luke mumbling. "Man, why do you have to speak to him like that? He didn't do anything to you. Stop picking on him," Ashton says to Michael. "He's an asshole Ashton. That's how improper mannered assholes talk to people, they know nothing of respect," Calum interjects. Ashton turns his head towards Calum, hazel eyes glaring. "Shut the fuck up Calum. You talk about being a 'proper' and 'well mannered' person, but here you are talking to Michael like he's nothing. Just like you seem to talk to everyone like they're all a step below you. All because you have some talent on a field and some stupid letter jacket to prove it. You're not better than Michael, or Luke, or myself or anyone at this goddamn blasted school for that matter. You're just a sixteen year old boy who acts like he deserves everything to him handed on a platter and demands respect he hasn't earned" Ashton sighs with relief. It feels good to rant like this. It feels really good actually. He gets up and walks towards Luke, who is timidly shaking in his seat. "As for you, you need to stop being so goddamn scared of everyone and stand up for yourself. You can't let assholes bully you and talk down to you forever. You're an intelligent guy Luke, and you're built like a tower. Speak articulately and make your presence known. Gain some confidence and own who you are, don't let everyone treat you like you're nothing." Luke just nods at him. Then, saving the best for last, he walks over to Michael. Michael rolls his eyes. "I know you're on some 'I'm serving up everyone a dose of what they need to hear power trip right now but-" Michael begins sarcastically but Ashton covers his mouth and quickly releases his hands. "I know your type. Mr. Tough Guy. Badass. Troublemaker. But, under your persona, you're just a boy craving attention. I don't know why or from whom, but you crave it. I see it. You say the life you're living is great and 'on your own terms' but you and I both know under your fire engine red hair, and multiple piercings and tattoos and 'badass' outfit choices lies a kid who is utterly and truly miserable.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2015 ⏰

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