Chapter Three

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I've had these chapters written for months now, lovelies, and I'm now going to go through the grueling task of editing. Hopefully all will be up by the end of December but don't hold that to me... uni's craycray at the moment - exams in January and essays and blurgh.... hope you're having a great December xx

Copyright © Georgie E. - Fruitea on Wattpad  

Chapter 3

"When were you going to tell us you broke up with Beck?"

Silence crackled between the three of us. It was a silence that the hum of the cooker couldn't break and one that if Geoff noticed, wasn't planning of breaking. My lip went to my teeth and my eyes first searched Nikita's withered expression then Tristan's aggressively rumpled brows and puckered lips.

"I didn't think it was important," I finally explained.

"You didn't think—" Tristan scoffed and shook his head. He was quickly eased by Keet's hand on his shoulder. "Well, it is important. We're your friends, Lou, you can tell us shit like this."

I gulped. "If you think my breakup falls into the shit like this category..."

"He didn't mean it like that and you know it," Keet soothed, stepping forward.

I scowled. "How did you even find out, have you known all day and—"

"No, we've just been told."

"By who?" If there was even a whiff of Yates involved in this he had better start sleeping with his eyes wide open.

"Beck's here," Keet told.

"Oh gosh," I grumbled, placing a hand on the table to support me. The other went to my head that was suddenly pounding. Tristan was the one to move forward this time and pulled me in for a hug, my head slumped to his chest.

There was a grating noise from my side and pulling myself away I watched as Tristan moved the knife out of my reach, behind his back. Keet quickly snatched it further from my grasp.

"Guys," I laughed dryly as I pulled away. "What are you doing?"

"You were close to that knife just then," Keet offered. I scoffed at her. "It's not that we think you'll hurt yourself it's more you hurting him."

"The guy's already spent thousands on reconstructing his cupids bow, he doesn't need more doing," Tristan said with a laugh. His hands rubbed up and down my arms in soothing.

I laughed and pushed him away. "You both are morons."

"Yes," Geoff cut in. "Morons that should be doing their jobs." Tristan and Keet rolled their eyes in sync. "I love that you're having a moment here, guys, but I have a business to maintain and the more you guys are supporting each other the less money I get."

Tristan laughed in shock. "What about all that family experience you talk about, Man." Behind him, Keet laughed as a smirk formed on Geoff's face. "Wouldn't the customers love to see some sibling bonding?"

"Get in there, Tristan."

Tristan saluted and whirling on his heels he disappeared behind the door. Nikita soon followed and I was again left alone with the vegetables.

"I think that's enough cabbage, Lou," Geoff said, almost in soothing as he came up next to me. He crossed his arms and leaned up against the metal counter. Silence pursued as I went to the sink, cleaned the knife and put it on the rack. I then grabbed a bowl and filled it with all the cabbage I had been slicing. "What happened?"

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