Chapter 16

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The next day at school, I was sitting in History class, not even paying attention. I was sitting at my desk, my elbow resting on my desk, support my face. I zoned out, not even bothering to listen to the lecture by my teacher, Mr. Wert. Nobody even cares about whatever he's talking about.

I let my mind wander off as I thought about this and that. The main thing that I was thinking about was the situation with Harry and I. I could barely get any sleep last night because all I could think about was what I said to him, and what I think I heard him say in the car. Does Harry really think that I'm enough for him?

How could I be enough for Harry? He has the entire school at his finger tips, and can pick any guy, or girl, that he ever so chooses, and I'm just a nobody! I'm some noob on the football team. I don't deserve Harry, and Harry shouldn't have to be with me. He deserves someone who is much stronger, and more confident and bold. I'm none of those things! Which is why Harry deserves someone else. So for all of these reasons, I am clearly not enough for him. So why would he even say that?

"Right Niall?"

I snapped out of my thoughts and stared up at Mr. Wert. He was standing a few desks away from me, his arms crossed, and a look of annoyance was on his face.

"I'm sorry what?" I mumbled, feeling my cheeks heat up. The class snickered around me.

Mr. Wert rolled his eyes slightly. "Zoning out in class, Niall? That's very unlike you." Mr. Wert said, not bothering to hide the disappointment in his voice. He clicked his tounge, as if trying to make his point. "Pay attention." He demanded, and turned his back to me, continuing the lecture. "As I was saying; Queen Mary was related to..." Mr. Wert droned on.

I went back to spacing out, and this time my eyes caught Harry, who was staring at me from across the room. He had a puzzled expression on his face. 

'Is everything okay?' He mouthed to me.

I nodded my head. 'Yeah I'm just bored.' I mouthed back to him.

Harry sat there for a few moments, thinking of something to say. He glanced at Mr. Wert to make sure he wasn't looking and then Harry mouthed, 'You look upset. You sure everything is okay?'

It took me a few seconds to finally read his lips, and I just shrugged. 'I'm just thinking.' I mouthed.

Harry looked like he was resisting the urge to roll his eye. 'About?' He mouthed back to me.

'Yesterday, and what everything that we talked about.' I mouthed honestly to him. I mean, I really wanted to talk to him about everything that happened yesterday, so I might as well give him a heads up now.

Harry seemed a bit surprised. 'What about all of that?' He mouthed back to me, twirling his pencil through his fingers. I found it slightly attractive. I also took note that he does it without realizing it. I smiled slightly.

'I'm not sure what our talk yesterday will do for our friendship.' I mouthed to him, and I resisted the urge to look away from him. It was a bit embarrassing to admit, but I had to keep eye contact or else I'd miss what Harry was going to say.

Harry stared at my lips for a few minutes, trying to figure out what I said. 'What?' He mouthed back, looking a little annoyed that I didn't speak clearly enough.

I sighed. 'I'm thinking about what we talked about yesterday,' I paused, making sure that Harry could understand everything so far. He nodded his head, so I went on. 'And how it will affect our friendship.' I finished.

Harry processed the end of my words. 'I would hope it wouldn't change anything . We are still friends, right?' Harry mouthed. It took me a bit to finally understand what Harry said, and when I did, a smile appeared on my face. Harry still wants to be friends?

'I hope we're still friends too.' I mouthed back. Harry smiled, and I decided that I might as well tell him that I want still talk about things. 'Harry, after this class can we-'

I was cut off short by Mr. Wert. "Niall!" He yelled.

My face instantly started turning red. I was getting in trouble two times in one class period? I rarely get in trouble. Some of my teachers don't even know that I'm there! I never get in trouble!

"First I catch you spaced off, on cloud nine! And now, you're talking to someone in the room? This is twice in the last," Mr. Wert checked his watch. "Less than fifteen minutes that you've disturbed the classroom! To the office now!" He barked. 

I was in complete and utter shock. "But-" I tried to stutter out, but I knew that it was of no use. I was going to get in trouble. What if I get a detention for this? I've never gotten a single detention before!

"Now, Niall!" Mr. Wert said, pointing towards the door. I could feel how red my face was, and I really wanted to cry, but I wouldn't embarrass myself like that. I did as I was told, and stood up from my desk, slinging my backpack over my right shoulder.

"Um, wait! Mr. Wert!" Harry cried, surprising me, Mr. Wert, and everyone in the room.

Mr. Wert quirked his eyebrow and spun around to face Harry. "Yes Harry?" He asked, his tone sounding more annoyed. Mr. Wert have a history of fighting all of the time-no pun intended.

"You can't yell at Niall for the talking. It was me he was talking to. It was my fault." Harry said, standing up and getting ready to grab his backpack.

Mr. Wert just raised both of his eyebrows. "Huh, so it was both of you talking? Very nice of you to admit it. Now both of you can go to the office! Get out of my class now! No more disruptions!" Mr. Wert barked.

I sighed and started heading towards the door. I couldn't stand to be in the classroom any longer. This is so embarrassing! I can't believe that just happened. Harry soon followed me out of the classroom, a smirk on his face.

"That will be a double detention for you, Harry!" Mr. Wert called to Harry as Harry walked out of the door.

I spun around to see Harry give Mr. Wert the finger. "Suck my wang, Wert!" Harry called. The door closed and Harry walked next to me. "You see Niall, if you're going to get kicked out of class, you need to give the teacher the middle finger at least once. Or you can be like me, and give it to them twice." Harry said, a smirk on his face.

I shook my head. I still had no words for everything that was going on. I can't believe I got kicked out of class! I didn't even do anything! Yeah I wasn't paying attention, and sure I was mouthing to someone, but that doesn't give the teacher the right to kick me out! This is bullshit!

Harry's smirk grew as he looked at me. "You see, Nialler? I always knew that you had a bad to you. You're a big boy now. You went and got yourself kicked out of class. Good for you." Harry said, slinging his arm around my shoulders. "I guess this just proves my point. You do have a bad side to you."

I shook my head. "No, no, no!" I protested. "I don't want to get kicked out of class! I'm not a bad kid!"

Harry smirked. "Yes you are. You have a bad side to you, and it's finally coming out." Harry answered back, winking at me.

I shook my head, and ducked underneath Harry's arm, so that it fell to his side. "Fine, if my 'bad side' is coming out, then you're good side is coming out." I said, a smug smile appearing on my lips. I have Harry beat here.

Harry gave me a look as if I was crazy. "What are you talking about?"

"Well, my bad side is showing by me getting kicked out of class. You're good side is showing because you tried to defend me. Never have I ever seen Harry Styles defend a kid that he got in trouble. But you tried to take the blame. Therefore you're good side is showing." I stated smugly. Harry was at a loss for words. I could see that he had no answer back, so I slung my arm around his shoulders and said cockily, "Point one for Niall, zero for the angel."

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