I already made the first pet peeves.
I discovered I have more. I discovered them with all my relatives,I almost died.Rolling your Rs since my name is Mora, it obviously as an r, so every time they say my name it sounds like MorRRa it is crazy.
Singing off note I am not going to lie I sometimes do that, but not when you have to say an highly note but you say a low note. You mess up the song.
Asking something but you answer completely different that proves to the person you are talking about to that you are not listening that gives the person no respect. If you didn't hear it right, it is better to ask to repeat than to look like an idiot. This isn't really a pet peeve but it is crazy because people do it on purpose just cause.
Not minding your beeswax it drives me crazy. They want to know everything but won't tell a single thing. I am there like how is this going to affect you and is it YOU I don't think so. One of my closest friends do this but I still love her. I know this instead really a pet peeve but it drives me nuts.
Touching my hand This is creepy because people shake your hands and stuff but it is gross because you don't know where their hands been and I know I sound like a brat but I live with three boys that don't understand the concept of washing your hands after lunch or after playing outside. I have alleges so I have to be carefully and stuff but sometimes people are too touchy.
Back 2 school
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