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When you get older you might break up with your old friends and make new ones and by the time you go to college you probably don't have any friends from school. If you have a friend now but she's ignoring you, you should step up and get to hang out with her more. Making new friends is easy all you have to do is introduce  yourself and say a compliment then the conversation will just go on. You will keep making friends your whole life. I once introduced myself and my " friend" I tried to be friends with her she didn't want to. I thought I should be friends with her since she just came to our school. She starting talking behind my back. Don't hang out with those people they just want to hang out with people like them. Remember: always be your self no matter what if you be yourself you will get friends by  doing nothing. Make sure you don't use your friends. Make sure she wants to be friends with you, so you don't force friendship.

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