G, Strangers Again?

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Dearest G,

It's been a while since I wrote a letter for you G. I know that you still remember the content of my last letter. Another thing is that, I knew that I'm the only one, who's very imaginative to write an emotional letter for an abstract noun like you. I don't know why G but I always believe that even without Your mere presence, You're always there to keep our feet on the ground. Btw, thanks for that dearest G. smile emoticon

If you can still recognize every detail of my story the last time, I've told you that "HE" is from one of the universities lying at the U-belt. Yesterday, I visited my friends nearby his school. I feel that I'm kinda having some gut feeling that something will happen. I don't know what is it but..err I really can't explain it.

After we strolled around on some spots at U-belt, we decided to go straight to a nearby mall. We really want to complete our bonding with our all time favorite DQ ice cream. Even though they're kinda costly, the satisfaction it'll bring you is definitely insurmountable. I'm not endorsing or something err...I'm just telling you the story behind our fascinations. Afterwards, we sat on a bench near the ice cream stall, I don't know what happened but my heart pounded so fast. Why? I asked myself a couple of times but the answer was really out of reach. I breathe in and out so many times until...something or I mean someone was caught by my peripheral vision. It is someone who's kinda tall, white and extremely handsome. #FlirtyMode. It's him! The all time famous 'Cady Hernandez' of my life. He's together with 3 sossy and gorgeous girls that I can't get on level, poorest me. But even though I pitied myself, I still tried to greet or get his attention.

Me: Hi Cady! Long time no see, how are you?
Cady: Uhm...excuse me Miss. Do I know you? Have we met? I don't think so.You're too plain.
Me: You can't recognize me? I'm Brisha Ravens, your seatmate back then.
Cady: Sorry Miss but I don't really know you. Girls, let's go to the bar.
3 girls: Okay then honey~
Me: But...

He didn't able to hear my last word because they already went off. Why,G? Why can't he recognize me? Did he totally forgotten me? Did he just lie or he has an amnesia? Impossible but possible..err. Am I not really a part of his world, even itsy-bitsy portion? I don't know what to feel G. It's really mixed emotions G: happy because I saw him once again , sad because it didn't last long , surprised because he didn't recognize me, angry because he's with flirty girls (but do I have the right? NO!) , jealous because I'm not the one who's spending time with him and lastly, alone because I really felt that I'm already left out at the dungeon together with some hays with no food, water and anything for survival. I'm really hopeless at this juncture. Do I really need to move on? Do I really need to stop this lunacy about him? Do I really need to, G? Please G, answer me. Please I'm begging you.

After that incident, my friends asked me if I'm okay and well, I answered 'yes' even though I'm not. I just don't want them to worry about me that much because I know they also have their personal problems and I don't want to add my own. I know that I can surpass this, I can get through this and I can do it with the Lord's guidance. Maybe, he's not really meant for me. Maybe, we're not really meant for each other. There are other people destined for us to be with. Brisha + Cady = Syntax Error. No proven result. Totally an error!

To lighten up my mood I asked my friends to go near the seaside to watch the sunset. It's really awesome but still...it didn't take away all the pain. Afterwards, we bid goodbyes and hugged each other: parting ways. I was not really onto my real self because my mind was engulfed with so much thoughts and because of that I haven't read the insert card sign at the LRT station and so I tapped and tapped the journey ticket card until a girl said, "Miss, it should be inserted not tapped." . Ohmy G, look what it brought me? #idiotmode.

G, are we really stranger's again? Is it the time to let go? Is it the time to move on from my one-sided love? Unrequited love?

P.S. G, there's a nice guy who smiled at me at the LRT station. I don't know who he is. He even handed me a handkerchief and after that he left. I didn't even get a chance to thank him. He's cute and all but he's a total stranger to me. But G, by any chance do you know who that guy is?

::: Is there gonna be a new stranger who'll complete my heart? G, stranger again?

Slightly moving on,
Brisha Ravens

Roushie's Note: Yey! Nakapag-update rin sa "Gravity Series"~ Wait for more! Okie?

Next Update: Cady Hernandez' letter to G.

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Loveyah all guys and thanks for sparing me your time reading this story of mine. God bless us all! smile emoticon

P.S. Giozel, Ate Quiin and Lil sizzy SapphireMianne - this update is for all of you. Thanks for motivating me to write. Thanks for the support. smile emoticon

#Brisha + Cady = Syntax Error?!
#Who's that stranger?

The Friend Request Love Story ( Plus Bonus One-shots! )Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon