Chapter 1

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Character descriptions

Kale Black :
Dirty blonde hair, green eyes, 6'5"

Jake Hancock:
Black hair, hazel eyes,6'3"

Ashton Sanders:
Light brown hair, blue eyes,6"

Drew Rawlins:
Blond hair,brown eyes,6'4"

Naomi Harrison :
Dark Brown hair,blue eyes,5'6"

Nina Dunn:
Blonde hair,green eyes,5'8"


I was sleeping blissfully until my alarm clock went off from my nightstand. I didn't want to get up so I just turned it off. Then out of nowhere my best friend Nina jumped on top of me.

"Nina, get your fat ass off me," I groaned. I felt her get off of me and let out a sigh of relief. She may be nice and skinny but I mean Jesus she weighs a ton. I mean she works out...

" Fuck! Nina, what the hell shut the curtains," I groaned into my pillow. As you can see I'm not much of a morning person. Well unless you have food, then I'm good. But when you open the curtains or turn on the light and you don't have food I get mad.But much to my surprise she decided to pull my warm comforter off of me .

"Fine , I'll shut them if you get your ass up and get ready," she said grinning.

"Okay,Jesus Christ ," I said.I got up and went to my bathroom and took a quick shower. When I got out I went to my vanity and put on my makeup. Now when it comes to make up I don't cake it on my face like over half the sluts at my school. After I finish my makeup I go to my closet to pick my clothes out. I decided on a black long sleeve crop top and some white ripped jeans.After I got dressed me and Nina went down stairs for breakfast.

" Hey mom, what's for breakfast this morning," I asked?

" Eggs, bacon, and toast," she said.

" Thank you second mom," Nina yelled.

"Hey mom where's dad," I asked?

" He went over to invite the new neighbors for dinner tonight," she said.I wonder who our new neighbors are. The last family moved out of that house over eight months ago after a rough divorce. I used to babysit their seven year old daughter. She was the sweetest little thing ever. I miss her a lot but I can't really change anything that happened.

" Hey honey the neighbors are coming for dinner tonight," my dad said. He stole a piece of bacon off of the plate I didn't notice was in front of me. I glared at my dad and laughed at me and then walked off. I didn't realize how fast the time had gone by until I looked at the clock and it said 7:00.

"Nina ! We have twenty minutes to get to school ," I yelled.
I grabbed my stuff and ran out the door after brushing my teeth.Nina wasn't far behind. She unlocked her car and we hopped in and started driving to school.
Once we got to school Nina parked her car in the car park. I grabbed her by the wrist and we ran inside the building. We have ten minutes before school starts. The hallways were packed if you didn't get here early enough. I went to my locker to get my stuff for first period since I had math. Which I suck at by the way. I shut my locker and started walking to class.

" Naomi! Oh my god there's a new group of boys," Nina said practically screaming in my ear.

" Ugh, I honestly couldn't give two shits," I said. The last time there was a new grouo of boys things were a living hell. Never again will I talk to or hang out with a new group of boys until I know I can trust them.

"Come on, let's go talk to them," she begged.

" No."

"Fine. Well I'm going to talk to them cause they seem chill and we can all be friends," Nina said as she walked off in the direction of the office. I feel like this isn't going to go well.
After math class I went to meet up with Nina for free period. First I had to go to my locker to put my stuff up. While I was heading to my locker I got a text message from Nina saying I need to meet her at her car. Me being me I wasn't paying attentions and ran straight into some bodies chest and fell to the floor.

" Watch where you're going you stupid slut," said this random kid. I'm assuming he's one of the new boys and what he said made me do the unthinkable. I got up off the floor and slapped him.

" Who the hell do you think you're calling a slut asshole," I said. As soon as I slapped him and said that I immediately regretted it. His eyes blackened from rage and his breathing was uncontrollable. Next thing I know I'm pushed against the locker. When my back hit the locker I became winded from the force.

" Don't . Ever . Touch . Me . Again," he said . Then he let me go and walked off. I went back to my locker cause I realized I forgot my Spanish homework. Then I made my way outside to the car park. Nina was leaning against the drivers side door smiling.

" Hey, what took you so long," she asked?

" Nothing just had to go back to my locker to get my Spanish ,so what's up," I said.

" Well I went and talked to that new group of boys and they invited us to some cafe during this period so that's where we are going," she said. She was jumping up and down in her all excited. My day just got five times worse. I hope that prick I just encountered in the hallway isn't there or I swear shit will go down.

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