Chapter Three

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Okay so I'm going to try and update as much as possible. Please point out mistakes nicely and I will fix them.


I got to the detention room before Kale. The teacher looked at me and rolled his eyes at me. I scoffed and walked to a seat by one of my friends in the back.
"  Hey what's  up Naomi," said Noah. Noah has had been kind of my friend since freshmen year. He has always been nice to me. Nina thinks he has a crush on me but I don't think he does.
" Hey what's up Noah," I said. I have had a crush on Noah since sophomore year. He doesn't know because I convinced Nina not to tell him.
" Nothing really just the usual, " he said with a smirk.
I rolled my eyes," Okay , so why do you have detention," I asked?
" I just got caught skipping class ," he said, " nothing major this time."
Noah is known as the schools ultimate prankster. He pulls pranks on the his team members and teachers. That's why he usually ends up in detention. Moments later the door opened and Kale walked in.
" Where have you been," the teacher asked?
" None of your business," he snapped.
" Go sit down , now," she snapped back. He looked around the room and took a seat diagonal from me. Me and Noah got back to our conversation.We would have to be in detention for the rest of the day. We laughed when the teacher started freaking out cause she couldn't find her plan papers.
" So, Naomi I'm having a party this weekend and you should come," he said, " you can bring Nina and even those new boys that came to school."
" Okay that sounds fun I'll come and bring Nina and possibly the new boys," I said smiling. Me and Noah just laughed the rest of the day in detention. I'm guessing Kale got annoyed cause when I fell on Noah's lap he threw me over his shoulder and walked out of the room when the bell rang. He was starting to piss me off.
" Kale, put me down," I yelled.
" No ," he said. Then I saw him walk outside of the school with me towards his car. I got a text from Nina saying to ride to the cafe with one of the boys cause she was going to be late. Kale opened to door to his car and dropped me in the front seat like I was some rag doll .
" I'm not some fucking rag doll you can just push and throw around," I snapped.Kale pulled me out of the car and push me surprisingly easy against the car. He put both hands beside my head. He looked pissed again.
" What have I told you about talking to me like that," he whispered harshly.
" What have I told you about ordering me around," I said.
"Naomi, cut the crap and fucking listen," he yelled. I flinched and he backed away from me a little bit. He was about to say something but I turned and started to walk home. I heard Kale mutter a string of curse words under his breath. Then he started yelling my name. I just simply ignored him. I was almost out of the car park when I saw Noah. He looked at me and waved. I waved back and went over to him. I saw Kale staring at us from where his car was parked he looked beyond pissed. He was probably pissed cause I walked away from him and ignored him, oh well he was being an ass.
" Hey do you need a ride to your house or somewhere else," Noah asked.
" Uh , yeah I just need a ride home that's all," I said. He went around to the drivers side and I hopped in.
" Hey I just got a text from Nina , she wants us to meet her at some cafe," he said, " is that cool."
" Yeah that's cool lets go," I said.
On our way to the cafe I just stared out the window once again admiring the scenery. This little area was so nice. It took us about ten minutes to get there. Once we got there I saw Kale's car and I'm assuming everyone else's car. I also saw Nina's car. Me and Noah got out and went into Gloria's. Everyone was seated in a booth by the window. I wanted to sit by Nina but only a seat beside Kale was left. I dragged Noah by the hand to the booth and sat down beside Kale with Noah on my other side.
When I sat down I leaned against the back of the booth. I realized I was really tired. Noah must have noticed because he shifted me into his lap and let me lean my head on his shoulder. Nina's eyes lit up with hope that we were together and I shit her a look that said no. She just shrugged and went back to talking with the boys. We had been at Gloria's for an hour now and I had to pee.
" Hey guys I'll be right back I'm going to use the restroom," I said Everyone nodded and went back to conversing with each other. I got up and walked back to the restrooms. As I was walking back I heard yelling and a loud crash. I ran back and saw Kale and Noah fighting. Noah was on top of Kale and in an instant it was the other way around. Noah was knocked out and on the floor and Jake kept punching. I knew yelling wouldn't help so I ran and tackled Kale off of Noah. He looked at me and his eyes soften for a split second before darkening again. I wasn't think but I punched him in the face and got off of him to tend to Noah with everyone else. One look at Noah and I lost it.
" WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM," I yelled. I didn't realize I was crying until I felt a tear fall on my hand. I looked away and wiped away my tears. Kale just stood there angry. The rest of the boys carried Noah to the car while everyone who was in the cafe just stared. I started walking out of the cafe so I could drive Noah's car back to his house. Kale was already standing there at Noah's car waiting. I walked over and slapped him.
" I don't want you near me or Noah ever again," I said harshly, " don't even touch me." I got in Noah's car and started driving to to his house with Jake following behind. When we got to Noah's we carried him inside and laid him down. I thanked Jake and he left. I began cleaning Noah's face up so he wouldn't wake up looking gross. After that I went over to the couch in his room and laid down to sleep. Today was a long day.

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