Chapter Four

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The next morning I woke up to Noah groaning in ,what I'm assuming ,was pain. I jumped up off the couch in his room and went and got him water and a ibuprofen. I came back and he was sitting up holding his head in his hands. He then looked up and smiled. I didn't realize that he had taken his shirt off until he removed the covers. I had to hand it to him he had a nice body. I couldn't look away because all I could think about were how nice his body was. Apparently I had been staring for a while cause he looked at me then smirked.
" See something you like Naomi," I said.
" I've seen better," I said flashing a smile .
" Haha ,now let's get to school ," he said.
" But you still have bruises on your face and a headache. Are you sure you don't want to stay here instead," I asked?
" Yeah , I'm driving of us both there," he said.
" Crap I need clothes," I said.
" Come on let's get you some clothes from my sisters room. She's off at university and you seem to be her size so come with me," he said. I followed him down the hallway to find a light blue door.
I went into his sisters closet and picked out a a pair of blue washed out jeans and a black tank top. I just decided to wear my same shoes from yesterday. Me and Noah started to walk down stairs when he got a knock on his front door.
" Hey I'll get the door you grab the stuff you need for your headache ," I said heading to the door.
" Okay I'll be there in a sec,"  he said. I went to the door and opened it. What I didn't expect to see were police officers at the door. Noah came in to see who was at the door and froze.
" Hello, are you Naomi Harrison," one of the police officers asked?
" Yes that would be me," I said. I was nervous that something bad might have happened.
" Well we have some bad news ," he said, " your brother was involved in a gang related shooting and is in the hospital with a serious injury."
I felt like my stomach dropped and I had become nauseous. I turned to Noah and he came and gave me a hug.
" Instead of school can we go to the hospital to see my brother," I
" Yeah come on let's go," he said.  Noah and I got into the car and started driving to the hospital. The drive seemed like forever. I couldn't admire any of the scenery cause all these questions kept popping into my my. Like why would someone shoot my brother? Why is it gang related? Is he in gang himself? I couldn't think properly. I texted my mom letting her know the situation and she said she couldn't come to the hospital cause her and dad were on a business trip. As soon as we pulled to a stop at the hospital I got out and ran inside to the front desk.
" Hi what room is Caleb Harrison in, " I asked frantically?
" He is in surgery right now getting a bullet removed from the abdomen," she said.
"How long will he be in surgery," I asked?
" It's hard to tell , but I'll let you know as soon as he is able to have visitors," she said with a smile.Noah grabbed my arm and started walking me to the waiting room. While in the waiting room I texted Nina telling her about the current situation. She said she was on her way with the boys. I wondered why she was bringing the boys. They don't even know my brother. I decided to start playing a game while sitting in Noah's lap leaning against him. Every time I died in my game Noah would chuckle at my frustration. Then he took my phone away and put it in his back pocket.
" Hey , give me my phone back," I whined.
" No you are only frustrating yourself and that is not need for you at this moment. Don't you think," he said. I nodded. I guess he was right , so I just leaned against him and tried to sleep a little .

I had slept for about an hour when Nina and the boys walked in calling my name. I looked up to them all standing there but Nina had tears in her eyes. Nina,Caleb, and I have always been really close. We may fight sometimes but twenty minutes later we are back to normal laughing and having a good time. I got up off of Noah and ran to hug Nina. While we were hugging a doctor came into the waiting room .
"Caleb Harrison," she said.
" That's us mam, is he okay," she said. Her face fell and I immediately new sounds me thing wasn't right.
" Well , your brother has lost a lot of blood. He isn't stable we lost him  two times during surgery, so there is a big possibility that he won't make it," she said. I just couldn't help it anymore I started crying and fell into Nina's arms.
" Can we go see him," I said sobbing.
"Yes but only family," she said.
" We are all family ," I said.
" Okay you may all go in but let him rest. He is in room 253," she said.
We all rushed to the room. The boys were acting really weird . Jake was even pale in the face.
When we got to the room he was awake. I came in slowly and looked at him with tears forming in my eyes again.
" Hey sis please don't cry. I promise you I will be fine," he said. I just nodded and ran to him. He opened his arms and hugged me.
"They said you aren't stable though and you have a big chance of not making it ," I said. He look at me and smiled. He didn't . I swear if he gave me a scare like that I'll kick his ass.
" You didn't ," I said warningly.
" I may have ," he said trying not to laugh. I got up and smacked him upside the head.
" Ow sis, what the hell ," he said glaring. Everyone was snickering including Kale.
" Pull anything like that again I will castrate you , got it," I said . He looked at me wide eyed will everyone else was laughing their asses off hold their stomachs.
I looked at Jake and he sighed and walked out of the room. I walked out behind him.
" Hey why were you so pale earlier," I asked.
" I just wasn't feeling good  that's all," he said scratching the back of his neck nervously.
" Okay well let's go get everyone some coffee or whatever they want to drink," I said. He nodded and walked beside me to get everyones drinks.

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