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"You dumbass. I told you.." Were the words that repeated over and over again in Oikawa's head. "Dammit" he said as he laid on his back on his bed with his arm covering his eyes. Oikawa having his ankle injured was the worst thing ever. He had to stay home and not go with the team out of town to the play offs. He laid there and thought about Iwaizumi's words. He felt like a complete idiot for not listening to him. "Dammit. Why is he--" Oikawa was cut off as his phone started buzzing. He picked it up and saw it was a text message from Iwaizumi.

From: Iwa-Chan❤

Iwaizumi: You alright? 

Oikawa: Yeah...

Iwaizumi: That text doesn't look convincing. 

Oikawa: I'm fine for real. 

Iwaizumi: Don't be sad alright? When I get back we'll toss and other shit together. Okay? 

Oikawa: Alright... How was the game?

Iwaizumi: You dumbass! We just got here we've haven't played no games yet! 

But before Oikawa could reply with a smile on his face Iwaizumi texted back 

Iwaizumi: I got to go. Bye. 

Oikawa: Bye.

Oikawa's smile dropped from his face and he laid back on his back. He sighed "why me?" He asked over and over again. He curled into his cover as tears fell down his face and wished to be by Iwa-chan's side again soon.


The next day Oikawa woke up feeling like complete shit. He rolled out of his bed and went to the kitchen to fix some cereal. Coco Puffs were his favorite cereal of all time. He loved watching the commercials of the bird going coco for coco puffs. For some reason it made him laugh and he had no clue why. Soon he checked his phone for texts and miscalls. Nope not a single thing on his phone not even a message from his own mom. He sighed and threw his phone down and turned on his DVD player and grabbed the movies. He put in his scary alien movies and watched them for awhile. Soon his phone rung and he picked it up and saw "Iwa-Chan❤" he immediately answered it. 

Iwaizumi: Hey.

Oikawa: Iwa-chan!

Iwaizumi: Shut up dumbass! Listen download this app called Skype cause my minutes are running out but I have free data. It's the only way we'll be able to talk..

Oikawa Nodded his head but realized Iwa-chan wasn't there so he said yes.

Iwaizumi:My Skype is IwaizumiTheAmaxing.

Oikawa: oh my. Iwa-chan's more full of himself then I am. Hahaha.

Iwaizumi: Shut up Idiot! Look I gotta go my minutes are run-

Iwaizumi was cut off but Oikawa was glad he could talk to him even though it wasn't long. It still made Oikawa happy to hear his voice calling him 'idiot' and telling him to shut up. It still made him very happy. 

But he was alone again without Iwaizumi or his voice. He decided to call Kuroo and Kenma to see if they wanted to watch movies with him.

Kuroo: I'll ask Kenma. 

And Oikawa could hear Kenma in the background saying 'yes'.

Oikawa: Great! See y'all love kittens then!!

Kuroo: Shut up!

They hung up and Oikawa waited for them to arrive. He made popcorn and gave them their drinks. Surprisingly those three became good friends and always ended up hanging out together. 

As long as they're here or Iwaizumi, Oikawa couldn't be happy. 

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