Chapter 2: Oikawa....

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"Damn. It's too early..." Iwaizumi said rolling over in the hotel bed to look at the clock. He sighed then sat up feeling something hard he looked downward "Oh damn.. Hello again..." Iwaizumi said looking down at his erection for the 2nd day in a row. This is just unbearable he thought slowly pulling his boxers down to enough for his dick to be freed. He slowly took his hand to his length and started stroking. Grunts left his mouth with each stroke after stroke. He rubbed the tip of his cock and felt himself shiver thinking some very sexual things about a certain person. "Damn.. I need..." Iwaizumi moaned climaxing. His seed ran over his hand as he took a breathe feeling better. Soon he got up, took a bath, and sat around the hotel. To be honest he didn't want to go anywhere in the town. He felted bored as hell but he didn't want to Skype Oikawa after what he just did. He was ashamed he felt some type of way toward the stupid pretty boy. Who was totally into girls and not guys he had no chance. There wasn't even a 50/50 chance for them. He felt his heart sank usually he wouldn't fall for people or feel emotions. But with Oikawa it was different.  He always loved what Oikawa called him. 


"Hmm.. That shitty pretty boy..." Iwaizumi said as he took another bite of his cereal. "But I miss him...." 


"Oikawa." Kenma said over and over again trying to open the door but it was locked. And within that room was a lonely Oikawa sad and feeling lonely missing the one guy who called him 'stupid' or told him to 'shut up'. Oikawa made the account but he was scared to Skype Iwa-chan. What if Iwaizumi didn't want to talk to him or see his face? What if he was happy not seeing him or talking to him? What if he didn't care or missed Oikawa like he missed him? Thoughts kept flowing through his brain but he took the chance and click the Video Chat button on his laptop. He sat in his chair at his desk in fear. Fearing Iwa-chan wouldn't answer his call to chat with him. Even though he braced himself for the end call he was scared. 'Call declined' read on the screen Oikawa felt his heart break what felt like it. He was about to close his laptop when ringing rang through his laptop his opened and answered. 

Iwa-Chan: Sorry. I was changing. What is it TrashKawa? 

Oikawa: Iwa-Chan! It's been a good bit since I last saw or talked to you!

Iwa-Chan: You idiot. It was just 2 days ago. 

Oikawa felt his heart and smile widened talking to Iwa-chan and seeing his lovely rough face again on the screen. But he wished for him to be there with him in his own room. 

They talked about what they did the last 2 days and talked about volleyball. 

Oikawa felt his smile starting to fade as he thought about how he couldn't go with Iwa-chan and they were stuck with video chatting.

Iwa-Chan: Oi. What's with the--

Iwaizumi was cut off mid sentence. 

Oikawa: I'm sorry Iwaizumi. I'm sorry I fucked up yet again.

Iwa-chan: Shut up idiot! It's not completely your fault. You just wanted to get better at what you do.

Oikawa: ....

Iwa-chan: It's nothing. Don't worry about it. You'll ankle will be better soon. And We'll play volleyball again. 

Oikawa: My ankle won't be better soon enough... I'm sorry Iwaizumi....

Iwaizumi saw tears fell on Oikawa's face as he said his name. Iwaizumi hated seeing Oikawa upset at anything. And the next thing he knew.....

'Call Ended'

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