Morning And School

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Lydia woke up first. Stiles was still asleep. The first thing she saw was Stiles navy blue shirt. It took her a moment to remember the night before. She looked around. The clock said it was 6 am which was great because she hadn't over slept. 

The next thing she noticed was that it wasn't the blanket that was making her warm it was Stiles. His shirt was soft. Lydia didn't move at all. About a minute later Stiles woke up. "Lydia wake up." Stiles mumbled. He lightly rubbed Lydia's ear. 

He shifted a little and lowered his head to Lydia's. "Lydia?" He whisperd in her ear. Lydia pretended to just have woken up. "What..." She tried to sound tired. "It's like 6 am we have to go to school." Stiles said. "Did you like Star Wars?" Stiles asked curiously. 

She could hear his heart beat faster. "I loved it." She smiled and sat up. Stiles got up and accidently grazed Lydia's butt. 

Lydia blushed slightly but pretended not to notice. "Um so what do you usually do in the mornings?" Lydia asked. "Shower, brush my teeth, eat. The normal things." Stiles answered. So Stiles took a shower first then brushed his teeth and went to go eat. Lydia showered then did her hair, makeup, and everything else.

Stiles was waiting for her downstairs in the kitchen. He had laid out two sandwiches, orange juice, and two oranges. "I made breakfast!" He smiled. Lydia sat next to him on a stool at the counter. "My dad probably already left for work." Stiles said. "Same for my mom." Lydia said.

They finished eating and were walking out of the house. Stiles got in his car. He turned the key. It didn't start. "Ugh of all times!" Stiles said. He then ran up to Lydia who was just leaving. "Can I get a ride?"

Stiles was now in Lydia's car. He studied the Lydia-ness of it all. How it smelled like her. The drivers seat perfectly adjusted to her height. The things that made the mirror come out were more worn out then the rest of the car. A probably already read Latin text book was on the back seat. Stiles was happy to see it.

They pulled up to the school. "Um you can drive me home too right?" Stiles asked. Lydia nodded. There was an awkward pause. ".. Well are we going?" Lydia asked. Stiles didn't know Lydia wanted to go in with him. Stiles shrugged and got out. He jogged over to Lydia's side and opened her door.

They smiled at eachother and got out. They both headed their separate ways when they got to school mostly because they had to talk to their friends about eachother. Lydia met Allison in the hallway. "Lydia I heard you moved in with Stiles." Allison came up to her. Lydia rolled her eyes. "Half my boxes are not even unpacked. How do people even know about that?"

Stiles ran up to Scott. "So how does it feel to get crushed by Lydia on a game she didn't even play for an hour. Really says something about your skills Scott." Stiles said. Scott laughed. "Not good. It's on YouTube."

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