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  • Dedicated to Kennian C Torres



Jazz and I still didn't know why we had to go to the airport so early in the morning. I really hate Emmett sometimes. If he wasn't my brother he'd be in serious pain right now. Jasper looked at me as if sensing my feelings towards Emmett and nodded his head like he was agreeing with me. I always knew their was a reason we kept Jasper all these years.

"We're here!" Emmett was really excited, which scared me.

"Emmett why are we here and don't you dare tell me that I'll have to either figure it out or wait and see. I better get a straight answer mister," I screeched at him. Since Jasper knew how to calm me down with making me even mad, meaning both boys knew I wasn't joking.

"Fine. You guys remember Rosalie, Alice, and Edward right?" I still had no idea where this was going, but I was going to make him tell me weather he wanted to or not.

Jasper and I both answered, "Yeah."

"Well the all got jobs here and we going to look for a place to live, so I told them they could stay with us. We have the space and room for them to be there and I know I should have talked with you guys first, but I miss Rose and I know Jazz misses Alice. Plus I know for a fact that Bella and Edward will get along just fine." I knew exactly what he meant by 'get along just fine'. Me being Emmett's little sister I decided to play with, hoping Jazz would catch on to what I was doing.

"Emmett you should have talked it over with us. We mange well enough on are own I'm not so sure how payments and the food supply will be now." Luckily Jasper knew what I was doing and want to have some fun of his own.

"Bella's right Emmett. We don't know what could happen with six people living under the same roof ." I looked over at Jazz and he nodded his head so that only I could see the movement. Emmett was pouting and had a sad expression. I started cracking up, using Jazz's arm for support. He was laugh too, I just wasn't sure if it was because of me or because of Emmett.

"What's so funny?" Emmett always sounded so funny when he whined like a baby.

"Oh come on Emmett, you really didn't think we would say no? I miss Rose and Alice just as much as you guys do they're like sisters to me." I stated once I was calm enough.

Knowing Emmett he came up with something that would make me blush.

"What about Edward?" Emmett asked.

"What about him?" I said, trying my best to stay calm and keep my face expressionless.

"Aren't you going to tell us what Edward is to you, unless you don't want is to know for specific reasons?"

"I got nothing to hide." I knew Jasper was trying his best to not to laugh, but he had a huge grin on his face. I turned so I was looking at both of my brothers and gave Jasper a looking daring him to laugh and say something.

"He's just a friend Emmett. Now when are they arriving?" Jasper chuckled while Emmet went back to pouting.

Jasper was the one to answer my question. "Well little sis why don't you turn around and find out." I had no idea on what he was talking about, but this was Jasper, he never jokes with me when I'm on the edge of being pissed. So I turned around and saw a girl that looks like small pixie, a girl that looks like a blond model, and handsome bronze haired boy walking towards us. They're her alright.


Rose's boyfriend offered me, Rose, and Alice a place to stay. The thing is he lives with his little brother and sister. Jasper cool, and so is Bella, but I haven't seen them in a few years. They could have changed not only in looks, but how they act. From what Alice has told me Bella and Jasper like to play pranks on Emmett. So I better watch out.

Our plane just landed and Rose text Emmett to tell him where we would meet. They should already be there waiting for us, but I'm not sure. I remember Jasper and Bella being heavy sleepers and they don't waking up so early in the morning, unless it's for work or for school.

"So Alice are you happy to be able to see Jasper again?" Rose was on my left and Alice was on my right, they were both just talking.

"Ya. I can't wait to see him. What about you Rose aren't you happy to being Emmett?" Alice all but yelled.

"Hell ya. So Edward." Oh crap they were going to pull me into their conversation.

"What Rose?"

"Aren't you happy to see someone who just so happens to be someones little sister?" So that's where they were going with this.

"If you're talking about Bella the answer is yes, but I'm also happy to see Emmett, and Jasper."

"Sure you are." That's was really annoying about these two. They don't give up even if they could be right by a little.

As we got closer I could hear someone yelling. It was a girl's voice and it sound familiar. I could only hear the last word that the angel was saying. It was obvious she was not happy. I looked in her direction and she turned around to look at us. HOLY SHIT! That angel is Bella. Wait I just called Bella an angel. Well she is one.

"Hmm. Alice do you the huge grin on Eddie's face?" I hate that nickname.

"Why yes Rose I do. What or should I say who could make him smile like that?"

"Why dear Alice I think you're talking about our best friend Bella?" That's it.

"Just because I'm smiling doesn't mean it's because of her?"

"Really then why are you smiling like that?" Alice really is an evil pixie.

"I'm smiling because I'm I can't wait to pull a prank on Emmett and Jasper."

"Sure. Sure." I hadn't realize I was still smiling until Emmett cut Rose or Alice from talking.

"Eddie boy why are you smiling like a goof ball?" Everybody started to laugh.

"Like you don't always smile like a goof ball." Everbody except for Bella was trying really hard to not laugh.

"I'll get you for that one Masen."



When Edward's eye feel on me he had a huge grin on his face. Emmett being Emmett had to tease.

"Looks like someone's just as happy to see you as you are them Bella."

"Shut up Emmett." I turned back so I was looking at my brothers.

As soon as they were in hearing range Emmet just had to tease Edward about they huge grin he had on his face. Edward's voice sounded like an angel and I couldn't help but smile a bit.  At the thought. Then I remember where I was and tried to take it off my face, but I couldn't. I looked at Jasper and he gave me a look as if to why are you smiling. I just shrugged back. That's the thing I like about Jazz he doesn't push on the subject.

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