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  • Dedicated to Russell my annoying cuz



I came back down to get some coffee to wake me up fully. T.V. was on so I went to see why. I was awarded with the sight of Edward and Bella. Edward has his arm around her and she had her head lying on his chest. They both had goofy grins on their faces.

"What are you staring at?" Rose and Alice came up behind me.

I pointed to the sleep 'couple', "That."

They both gasped. No of us saw that coming.

"Alice get the camera."

Yes I can use this to my advantage. Alice ran up stairs and a few seconds later she came back down with her pink camera. She stood a few feet in front of a sleeping Edward and Bella.

"Got it." She whispered,

Jasper came down then and looked at where Alice was coming from.

"What the hell?" Oh boy Jazz is not happy about this, or is he I'm not sure. Bella and Jasper are always better at reading people than I am.

"Eddie boy and Bella fell asleep like that last night."He looked like he wanted to hurl and laugh. Is that possible?

"How long do you think they'll stay asleep?" Rose asked. That's a really good question.

"They're probably enjoying it. So about an hour or less." Wow did I just say that? I think I did.


I don't wanna wake up. I'm too comfortable. Wait where did I fall asleep last night? Let's see I was in the living with Edward, we were watching movies, I was half lying on him and he had his arm around me. OH CRAP! I fell asleep on Edward. Oh god. I better wake up now. 

I opened my eyes and looked up. THANK GOD! He's still asleep. I got up and walked over to the kitchen. Everybody was staring at me.

"What? I know I must look like a mess." Seriously what the hell are they staring at?

"You and Eddie boy? Never saw that coming, and I'm you brother." Wow dramatic much.

"Chill Em. It's nothing. After you guys left to do whatever, we stayed down to watch a few movies. We fell asleep. That's all that happened." Alice and Rose chuckled, while Em and Jazz just stared.

"Then why were his arms around you?" Really Alice really.

"Practice for today. Happy you got an answer?" God I'm hungry. I went to the fridge and grabbed a coke. Opened the cabinet and put a few pop-tarts in the toaster. Then sat down at the table with everybody else, but Edward.

"Wow. Somebody's cranky, and you sleeped with your date."

"Shut up Emmett! I didn't sleep with him, and by sleep with him I mean your definition not mine." I woke up in a really great mood and Em just ruined it. I looked at the clock. Great 1 hour till Jake gets here.

"So who wants to wake up Edward?" I wanted to take a hot shower. They all looked at me.

Rose responded by saying, "Why don't you?"

"Because I gotta take a shower before Jake gets here, which is in 1 hour." They all looked at each other.

"Fine we'll wake up Eddie, but you have to sit on his lap until Jacob gets here."


"Then you wake him up."

"Fine. I'll sit on his lap." They all laughed.

"Either you really need that shower, or you want to sit on his lap." Jasper said after he calmed himself down enough. Since he was sitting right next to me I punched him really hard on the shoulder.

"OW! I get it you really need a shower. " A grin made its way on my face. I ran to my room. Got out a blue shirt that said 'I KISSED A VAMPIRE AND ALL I GOT IS THIS LOUSY T-SHIRT' in black, and some jeans. Threw them on my bed along with some undergarments, grabbed a towel and hopped into the shower turning on the water.


After I finished putting on my clothes, I sat down on my bed for a bit. My hair was blow dried and combed as best it could be, the only make up I was wearing was dark blue eye liner. I was thinking about what I would do when I first saw Jake again.

'Knock. Knock.'

"Come in." Who ever you are.

The door opened wider and I could see bronze hair.

"I'm not naked you can come in Edward."

"Sorry to bother you I just wanted to ran something by you."

"Sure what?"

"Well yesterday when Rose said that I come down for up stairs I thought that when I sat next to you I could kiss you, that way it's easy to see we're dating." I do get to kiss him so it's worth it.

"Sure." He smiled really big. I wonder why?

"Alice and Rose want you downstairs, now." I nodded my head, but then I remembered something.



"Did Alice or Jasper tell you that I had to sit on your lap until Jacob gets here." I said kinda nervous.

"Yeah, Emmett mentioned it."


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