Chapter 4: Initial Blow Out

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3 Months later
I sat at the foot of Ky's hospital bed and drowned in my own tears. The bills were due, I got an eviction notice, Im barely surviving without Ky. I need her. I'm not even motivated to get up and find me a job. I had lied to Ky. I don't have an apartment and the money I had saved up I paid the bills with it but now my bank account is in the negatives. I'm lost...

My old job even fired me for missing so many days. I can't do this. "Ky please come outta your coma babe pleaseee..." I sobbed letting the tears fall onto the pair of gym shorts I wore. They didn't even belong to me. They belonged to my wife. The one that's laying here unconscious. I laid my head on her hand and cried my heart out.

"Visiting hours are over Mrs. Grey." Ky's nurse Rosella informed me. I nodded my head and kissed Ky's soft baby lips then headed out to my car. I drove home and found all of our stuff sitting outside. The door was locked and my key didn't fit in the lock anymore.

I shook my head no cause this is impossible. I snatched the note off the door and read the words, "Im sorry to inform you Mrs. Skyanni Grey we had to evict you with force due to none payment of rent. We gave you enough time but now we have to do this. If your stuff does not be removed from the property by tomorrow I will return and call the police. Good day. -John Merger

I dropped to my knees and prayed for something better while my eyes and heart sunk. I can't believe this is happening. I sat there for a while dwelling in my depression till I rambled through all the bags and retrieved my phone which had 30 missed calls from my best friend and family members. I called Erin back and let her know what happened.

Not even 45 minutes later her and Ly was there helping me get my bags and all our stuff packed into three cars. "Leave the furniture we just need our clothes and stuff. Ill start over one day." I sniffled and hopped in my car, while Erin drove hers, and Ly drove Ky's car. We made it to their house and I walked in leaving everything outside.

"How you feeling best friend?" Erin asked sitting across from me. "Like shit." I whispered laying back on the couch. I rubbed my temples and quickly fell asleep. What the hell am I gonna do?
"Girl I made $14,000 in one night. Like you don't get that kinda money no where." Some female spoke as her and her friend walked passed me. I was doing my morning walk to keep my head in shape. I paused and thought about what they do for a living. Its kinda obvious their prostitutes but then again I'm not sure. "Bitch I made $20,000 in 4 hours. Get real." The other one replied. An idea jumped in my head but naaa I couldn't. But wait I can....

"Hey.." I called after them and they both turned around. The taller one smirked at me and licked her lips. "Wussup witcho sexy ass?" She asked looking me up and down. "I'm sorry for eavesdropping but I couldn't help but to over hear that y'all make over a thousand a night... what y'all do? Y'all prostitutes?" I asked curiously.

They looked at each other and cracked up laughing. "No honey. We're strippers. I'm Money and this my down bitch Boss." The shorter one replied. "Why.... you wanna be down?" Boss asked. "Maybe.." I replied not even thinking twice.

"Mh. You hear that Money?.... Lil bougie hoe wanna make some real dough." Boss told her friend. I was taken back. "Excuse me?" I asked holding my chest. "Thats how I talk.. If you wanna be down you gotta get used to this shit." She remarked. I rolled my eyes and sighed. "Whatever can I be down or not?" I asked..

Boss tapped her head like she was thinking then a huge smile spread across her face. "If you let me get a taste I wouldn't mind." She said seductively walking close to me. I instantly thought back to Ky and a frown formed on my face.

"I can't do that. I'm very loyal to my wife.... I have to get my money right so I can pay her fucking medical bills and my rent. Don't give me a hard time just let me be down damn!" I snapped. Boss held her heart and frowned.

"Damn that's harsh. Why you ain't been say that?" She asked rubbing my shoulder. "Because it's nobodys business but mine so what I gotta do?" I folded my arms and gave straight attitude. Boss pulled out her phone and held up her finger at me.

"Hey Boss. I'm calling to inform you that we recruited the next best thing for you....Yeaa... her ass hella fat......Tonight?......she had no practice okay."

With that she hung up the phone. She looked me up and down then tilted her head. "You can dance?" She asked. "Yea I can dance. Not twerk. Though. I never learned, I'm more of a slow dancer you know?" I replied trying not to look stupid. "What the hell kinda stripper don't shake their ass? You ca---..." Money spoke but Boss slapped her hand over her mouth.

"Okay.. I got an idea. We only have two girls that slow dance down at Seduction (made up) you'll be the third that's no problem. Lets go get you some gear. Boss say you gotta start tonight." Boss informed me. I looked back seeing Erin's house waiting for a sign that said to back out now but never got one.

Boss grabbed my hand and we walked to where a luxurious lambo sat. It was red and marble white. Too sexy. Boss hopped in the drivers seat making Money get in the back for me. "Why I gotta sit back here? I ain't no kid let her ass sit back here!" Money whined. I shook my head and pulled my seat belt on. "I think I might have a new best friend." Boss laughed turning up the music before Money could say anything back.

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