The Morning After

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AN: sorry i havent updated this in a while reasons being exams and emotional things and also distractions like twitter and youtube but anyway let me know what you think, Enjoy Wooly xx


I opened my eyes to the harsh sunlight and groaned. I heard giggling and lifted my head from where it was resting on Shanes lap. The girls were sat on the bed by the window in a huddle talking. “What time is it?” I whispered. “Half past 6” Lizzy told me cheerily. I nodded. “What are you lot doing up?” I asked as I sat up. “We didn’t sleep” Charley said. By now they were sat side by side on the bed apart from Lizzy who had plonked herself down onto Chrissie’s lap. I shook my head and looked around realising that the guys were nowhere to be seen, apart from Shane who was in his own world drawing. “Where are the rest of them?” Lorna smiled at me “Well you’re full of questions this morning aren’t you? They’ve gone over to the house to relieve themselves.” I nodded and stretched. I jumped when I heard a clattering from outside. The door opened and Laurence stumbled in laughing. “What happened?” Barrone asked “Kier fell up the stairs” he said holding his stomach.


I turned to see Kier entering his face the same colour as his hair. “Awww, poor Kempy” I said patting his head. “Shove off” he said pushing at my hand. I took it off and laughed. “Oh look the Wool has awoken” I said skipping over to Drew and wrapping him up in a hug. “Good night sleep Beveridge?” he asked me “Nope I didn’t sleep at all!” “Then why the hell are you so cheery?” I shrugged and sat down next to him. He rubbed his eye and yawned. “When did I fall asleep?” he asked tiredly. “About half four, five o’clock” Shane said without looking up from his drawing. I nodded that sounded about right. Kier had walked over and sat on the floor by the girls. Luke sat on the arm of the sofa. “What can we do? I’m ever so slightly bored.” I bounced a little in my seat. “Same” Charley agreed. “Well we could go over to the house but we’d have to be extremely quiet.” Lorna said staring specifically at Chrissie and Lizzy. I nodded. “I promise, cross my heart and hope Kier dies” I said winking at the now shocked man. “Don’t you dare threaten to hurt The Kempinator!” Lorna defended stroking his head. Kier stuck his tongue out. So I did the adult thing and flipped him the bird. Lorna gasped and covered Kiers eyes. “Don’t you’ll ruin his innocence” I raised one eybrow. “He’s anything but innocent, you should see what he gets up to when he thinks we’re all asleep” Lorna shook her head “I wont believe it” “Errm guys, can I please have my sight back?” Kier spoke up. We all looked down to see that Lorna still had her hands over his eyes. 

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