✈️terrorist attack

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Robbie PoV
"Hey guys what are they yelling about?" I whispered. "Idk and idc go to sleep Robbie!" I throw a pillow at kellin. "Bruh wake up and let's go see what's up!" "Shhhhush were tryin tuh sleep!!!" Gracie and Alexis said. "Come on and then I'll go to sleep." We all get up and go in johnnie's room. It got silent all of a sudden, "oh well it got silent can we go back to sleep..." "Just go and leave me then..." Everyone went back in the living room. "I didn't mean it!" The door was already cracked so I looked inside. 'OMG JOHNNIE IS MAKING OUT WITH A FAN?!' I though as I started recording, I whisper "whoosh! hey youtubers I just seen something that my eyes couldn't believe... Johnnie is making out with a fan!" I creaked open the door. *boommmmmm!* "the hell?!" Everyone got up and ran to the patio... "What the flying saucer?" We see a bomb burst in mid air with blue smoke coming out of it. "Somethin tells me that ain't no fireworks..." Jt glared at the smoke. "Grab food, and clothes and let's get the heck outta here!" We got all of our supplies and drove to the pawn shop. "Sorry Jimmy but there's no time! We're gonna need guns!" "My name is Edward..." We just barge in and grab all of the wepons that we can get and we gear up. We go back to the car and we drive ,but there is too many cars on the bridge so we have to wait..."no we don't have to wait!!!! DRIVE ROBBIE DRIVE!!!!" Jt yelled as smoke was coming from behind us. "Hold on!" We speed and drive super fast. "Turn here now!" I put on the signal lights and turn. "Signal lights really?! in a dang on emergency like this?! Give me the wheel!" Alexis gets the wheel "but you don't even know how to drive!!" Alexis was turnin them blocks like she did know how to drive. "Trainnnn!!!!!" Jordan yelled. " buckle up tight!!! " Alexis seen a ramp and stepped on the gas and released the breaks we sped and bursted through the wooden box cart doors! "AHHHHHHHHH!!!!" We all screamed. We landed safely on the road. "Woahhh  fucking awesome let's do it again!!!" Jt high fived bryan. "Hell. No." I huffed and puffed
(I think that's the best chapter so far tbh dontcha Think? Robbie: scary Asf!!! Jt: all of this didn't even happen in rl...yet😈🤔nah I'm jk but anyways be sure to star or comment or both ya kno and gimme some suggestions. Stay happy not crappy lifes a bitch don't quit and peace out thug pugs Johnnie: you never learn do you *pops nuckles*)

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