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Carrey POV

I am not pregnant I told myself as I sat on the toilet seat looking at the results in my hands. Taking another box out, I grabbed the stick and peed for the fifth time this morning, not believing the test results. I quickly timed the five minutes and soon discovered that all five test came out positive.

"Carrey...Tyler Jones." Mariah buzzed into the intercom.

"Let him in." I buzzed back. Within a few seconds my door opened, revealing the devil itself.

"Carrey." He nodded.

"What may I help you with." I asked calming myself with happy thoughts."I wasn't expecting you until 1 p.m."

"I need you to draw out new blue prints for a property right away." He ordered me, placing the measurements on my desk.

"We can schedule an appointment for later this week?" I replied as I took out my planner." I would need to have an overview of the property in person before drawing out bluprints and find out where pipes are located from city hall. I am open on Thursday at 10."

"How about today? The owner of this project wants the completed blue pribts done by four. He is willing to pay a good sum of money for the whole entire project because it is last minute."

"I don't know, this is very last minute. We are going to have to pull some strings for this project, not to mention I have to be back at the office at 3:30." I answered, watching him look at his watch.

"It is 10 right now, we can do an early lunch then go inspect the property for an hour, come back to the office to draw up some plans." I nodded not bothering to protest with our tight schedule.

"Mariah I need the city map in my office in two hours. Do whatever you can to get that to me. Pull in some favors if you have to." I ordered. "I also need my table clean for incoming blue prints after I leave."

"No problem." Mariah said through the intercome.

I took a deep breath before making a decision as he prepared to leave. Ihoped, it wouldn't backfire at her in the future.

"I think I'm pregnant." I blurted out looking down at my computer. "I'm late by 2 weeks now." I announced making him turned back around.

"What? You're pregnant?" He questioned. "We need to make an appointment today for you. Let me call..."

"No, we are running on a tight schedule today. I will let you know when I set an appointment."

"How did you know?"

"Late period and five boxes of pregnancy tests that all came back positive." I answered before grabbing my bag to leave to inspect the property.

"Don't you dare make any calls. I will call them to schedule an appointment. " I stated.

"We're getting married." He annouced.

"Tyler for my sake, can we slow this thing down? We aren't even dating for crisis sake!" There was a thoughtful expresion before he nodded, taking me into his arm and leading us out when Mariah came to stop us.

"Carrey, the meeting was move to 3:00. There is someone buying the company rumor says." I look at Tyler who was talking on the phone a million words away.

" Tyler....." I snapped making him end his phone call

"I'll tell you everything during lunch. But right now I need to feed you and the baby." He went next to me placing a hand around me on my stomach. Curious people rose their eyebrow at us and smile like we've been together for years now.

"Did you have to do that." I angrily hit him on his arm which had no effect on him, he just laugh taking me into his chest and wrapping his arms around me.

"Daddy has a nice ring to it." He lazily threw a smile at me.

"You are unbelievible." I smiled back at him. He slowly place a hand over my hand waiting for me to do something but I didn't. I left it there.

"What do you wanna eat?" He ask me.

"How about Mary's diner?"

"That'll be perfect."

"You sound like a girl."

"No I don't!" He scoff. "I surely can show you that I am a man."

"Oh I know. Have you forgotten it got me into this situation?" I joked.

"It was a strong one." He suggeested opening the passenger door for me.

"Thank you and Tyler you ain't getting anymore." I tell him sticking out my tongue at him in which he took my tongue into his mouth.

I moan at the sensation running trough my vein, a electricity feeling that open up a hunger I never knew I had.

"Tyler..." I panted out as he trail kisses down my neck slowly pushing my sleeves off my shoulder. "Tyler! "

Quickly pushing him off me I fix my shirt back into position.

"Carrey I'm sorry I got..." Tyler mumbled away as he back out of the parking lot.

"It's fine." I said looking at him as he drove to the diner.

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