Chapter 13

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Klaus had texted me, informing me that he was in the Smoky Mountains. He had left me. I had to resort to stealing a car and making the trip by myself. The whole ride all I could think about was the look on Damon's face. The look of betrayal. I had hurt him. I was disgusted by myself, but I did what had to be done. It was better than the alternative; Klaus killing him. I needed Damon to stay alive. I loved him.

I reached the peek of the mountain, not seeing anyone in sight. I sighed as I turned the car off and stepped out. My ears were popping as I tried to listen for anyone around. Then I heard the all too familiar voice. I walked towards him in no rush to return. I finally spotted him sitting down next to Ray. The camp ground was covered with dead bodies.

"They're dead. They're all dead," Ray shivered in fear. I felt bad for him. Especially since I had helped Klaus torture the location out of him.

"Ah, he's through his transition. He should be be feeling better soon," Klaus told me, sensing my presence. "I'm surprised you came back."

"Yeah well I figured I didn't have much of a choice. You would have killed Damon had I not," I said as I stepped around the bodies. I glanced down at the shaken man on the ground. His eyes met mine, and a dark red color filled them. Blood. Blood was streaming down his eyes.

"Something is wrong," Klaus stated as he notices my concern. He follows my gaze to Ray.

"You said it would feel better. Why doesn't it feel better?" He asked desperately as he shook in pain. My heart filled with compassion for him as I watched him suffer.

A few leaves rustled behind us, causing us to turn around. A girl had just awoken in transition. "Derek, come feed your girlfriend," Klaus ordered a human. As soon as he got up, so did Ray. He snarled at us before speeding away. My eyes widened in surprise. Klaus looked at me demandingly. "Go get him."

I rolled my eyes before vamping out of the area. I kept quiet for a few seconds, trying to listen for the new hybrid. He was dead silent as well. Then I was tackled to the ground. I looked up to see Ray standing over me. His eyes stayed locked on my wrist which had burned a dark red color. I had hurt it at the bar, but it had yet to heal.

"What are you? Are you a hybrid too?" He asked gasping for air. He was clearly still in pain.

"No, I'm just a vampire," I shook my head, rubbing the tender spot.

"No you're not," he disagreed. "At the bar you spilt some wolfsbane on your wrist. It burned you. Left a mark. What I can't figure out is why you didn't heal."

"I-I don't know," I said in confusion. "But it doesn't matter. I'm a vampire that's it."

"Stop lying!" He yelled as slammed me into a tree, bit my neck, and rushed away. I groaned in pain and annoyance before following him once again.


It had been a couple hours since I had last seen Ray, and it was beginning to get dark. Klaus would kill me if I returned without him. I finally heard the sounds of two people fighting. I instantly recognized the two as Damon and Ray. I hurriedly appeared behind Ray and ripped his heart from his chest. He sunk to the ground, revealing myself to Damon.

"Fancy meeting you here," he smirks, seeing that I had just saved his life.

"What part of 'let me go' did you not understand?"

"Oh, I understood. I just don't think you're safe with your psychotic ex boyfriend who has killed you before with no intention of you coming back," he defended himself. "You have to come back." He grabbed my wrist, and I made a noise of discomfort. He looked at me in confusion before looking down at the red mark.

"I was burned by wolfsbane, Damon. I don't know how or why, but it won't go away. Ray kept calling me a hybrid, but I'm not," I explained.

"That's weird," he said as he lightly traced the mark. "Let me take a picture of it. I can see if Bonnie can find any witchy mumbo jumbo on it. Maybe it's a curse or something. It looks like it."

"I'm hoping Klaus knows what it is. He's been around for a long time. Maybe he'll know what's wrong."


As I reached the camp, I found all of the hybrids dead on the ground. Klaus is shaking in anger. He turns to me as I lay Ray down onto the ground beside the others.

"They went rabid. Some of them I killed, the others just bled out. In the end, they're all dead," he told me before screaming at the top of his lungs. I winced at the sound. "I did everything I was told! I should be able to turn them! I broke the curse. I killed a werewolf. I killed a vampire. I killed the doppelgänger."

I shifted uncomfortably, knowing that Elena was alive. I didn't understand how, but I knew that Damon had said the birthday girl wanted to see me, and that had to be Elena. Klaus looked over at me, taking in my appearance.

"You look like hell," he commented. His whole mood had seemed to change. He looked at me with concern as he slowly approached.

"Yeah well, I have some weird mark on my arm that won't leave and I was bit by-" My voice trailed off as I went to trace the bite, but it was gone. It had healed. What was going on? Klaus looked at me in confusion, but I only backed away slightly. "Klaus, what am I?"

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