Chapter 1

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This experience inspired me to become a competitive runner because I was sure that the speed in which I was running at was not humanly possible. I was proud of myself- I did not know that when my life was on the line, I would be capable of such speed. We had to run as fast as we could away from Mr. Ed because if we did not, our last life would be his.

I wish I could have carried Sixten on my back. He was so weak from the previous battles that it took a lot more power from him to keep up than it did for me to run however even with the excruciating pain in his lungs and inflamed knee, he bolted. "Are you doing okay back there Six?" I hollered at him.

"Shit," he breathed at the top of his burning lungs as he tripped over an inconveniently placed root which he must have forgotten to jump over. I ran back to him to try to pick him up but his leg was broken and twisted. He lay back on the ground and cringed trying to push back his pain and Mr. Ed was near. I saw him in a suite and tie with a gun in his hand. He walked slowly but approached quickly. "There's an option to through sand in his face. It'll blind him long enough to buy us some time to think of a better plan," he said. I scooped up a large amount of sand and tossed it in Mr. Ed's eyes as he said. The force at which I through it did not match up with the great distance in which it traveled to his eyes. He stopped and begun to clean the sand out- his life line barely went down of course because it was just meant to disable him.

"If I carried you that would decrease my speed by a third," I pointed out. He and I both knew that if I carried him we would both be doomed. "But I don't have the heart to leave you."

He chucked then rolled his eyes. "Stop being so dramatic. This isn't the Hunger Games. I'll be fine," he ensured me. Mr. Ed was 95% complete with his current task of removing sand from his eye. He looked like a six year old rubbing sandy sleep from his vision. "Go get the gem and then you can split the prize with me. I can stay back and fight this guy." He seemed so confident but he knew he was going to die. I nodded and ran off. I felt bad leaving him behind but I knew I had to. If one of us did not get that gem, our people back in Xynith would have to pay for it. He was our first sacrifice.

I could hear him fighting with Mr. Ed- the sounds faded as I ran away. I was running away and leaving him behind in all of this mess but I knew I had to. There was a single sound of a gun shot followed by a musky silence that fogged the air. Sixten was gone. I did not cry- there was nothing to cry about anyway. I ran on.

There was no more security preventing me from getting the gem. It was just sitting there for takes. "Think about it before you act," I could almost hear Sixten's whisper. Mr. Ed would not just leave the gem there for the taking. I knew personally that he was not a charitable man. In fact, he was full of tricks. I pulled out my pocket knife from my inventory, stood far enough and threw it on the ground around the stand of the gem. Machine guns rose from the ground and begun zapping the life out of my pocket knife like it would have heartlessly done to me if I had step foot there.

"That was my favourite knife," I whispered.

"That was my favourite life," Sixten whispered back. I always felt a little insane when I heard his voice through his messages however I knew it was a normal thing. When the guns were done with their childish tantrum, I went to the gem, picked it up and held it to the sky. Dangerous Ultra Violet rays shone against the gem and dispersed through the room which started to catch on fire as I expected. I took the gem and darted to the exit but the door had already caught on fire. Flames rose like the room was hell itself and smoke clouded around me like I was standing in a hurricane. I coughed and coughed but I would not let it consume me.

I pulled out a mountain climbers rope from my inventory and attached it to the chandler by just throwing it upwards (it was that simple) and swung out of the window where I was then teleported to Xynith. "That was fun to watch," Sixten, who was teleported back to Xynith after he lost his last life said. "I deserve 70% of the profit- 20% being compensation for my humble death." I laughed a little.

"You said it yourself. It's just a game," I teased.

"I said it's not the Hunger Games. I didn't say it's just a game," he argued but with a wide grin since he was a person who could not hold back his smile. It's amazing how the game gives an avatar that matches the gamer's personality. "You're the one who said that the game is your life."

"I'm gonna give you 60%. I need to invest in hydro electricity. My poor Pixinthian children have no electricity in school so they just do nothing. You just want a Ligh Saber to impress that girl you like."

"If she likes Star Wars and I'm wearing Star Wars, she basically likes me. That's my logic," he said being fully aware of the extent of his silliness. I picked up the cup of green tea I had at the side of my laptop and sipped it. It was still piping hot but I was not complaining. Tea was best at a temperature a tad bit above the boiling point of water. If it was not turning into vapor before my very eyes, it was not good tea.

"She has a BOYFRIEND! And they're practically married," I tried to knock sense into his head with my exclamation points and Caps Lock use. He shook his head.

"But she's not married though." I sighed and he laughed. "I'm gonna go do English homework. I have an oral presentation that I did not prep for."

"Bonne chance," I said. I would not be able to do an oral presentation in a foreign language but then again I am English and English people only knew one language- that was English. There was no point in learning another one because we had the mentality that everyone should kneel at our feet and learn our languages while we English speakers tease their accent and improper grammar. Why do we swell ourselves? We do not have the pleasure of being bilingual- but that was just me, a linguistic person,  being bitter.

"Merci. Merry Christmas." He has been wishing me Merry Christmas ever since November begun because he knew that I was not going home for Christmas so I have been a grinch for the past month.

"Shut up Six," I teased. I was not actually angry about Christmas at all. I enjoyed spending holidays with my 'family' over in Toronto. Funny enough, one percent of my 'family,' was actually related to me. I was happy they opened up their house and their hearts to me so I really had nothing to complain about. I was quite grateful but you would expect me to miss my parents especially around a time where people find it appropriate to say cheesy yet meaningful things like; "don't spend money, spend time with the people you love."

We both went offline and I came back to reality. My roommate sat silently on her bed- staring at her phone screen and the people next door where blasting music while laughing and dancing on their beds. Oh what fun! I slid my headphone back on and turned on my classical music.

I wanted to approach Math as if it were a battle field so I put on an Acapella and Violin version of Skyrim's theme music and attached my practice. "So if I have the square root of x and I wanted to find the derivative," my mind quickly begun to process in a way that made no sense to anyone but me, "then negative half, half, one over square root x times u'. 1 over that...what's 4 minus 1? Ah yes! It's 3....wait no! The one doesn't exist anymore so it's 4." Before I knew it, I spent two hours in math as if it were a game. My room mate had gone out to hang out with friends. I would have done so too if I had any.

People in the real world did not understand me like the Internet World did. I knew how dangerous the Internet was but the internet is only as dangerous as we make it.

My name was Cleo however I told everyone that my name was Jayla Steves from Toronto even though I was from Halifax. The best thing about being from Canada is that people automatically assume that you were from Toronto. Toronto- the centre of the universe. Toronto- "it's pronounced Torono." Good ol' Toronto.

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