Chapter 5

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Cuidado was a word we used in Xynith when danger was coming out way. Aller was about to hit Pixinth and Xynith was sending in armies to protect my people. "Cuidado," Sixten sent to tell me and I knew that they were near. He had not been online for a month after the last time he instantly disappeared. I had assumed that he had a tone of school work to get through however, at the back of my mind, I was also worried that he had died. If he did, there would be no one to tell me. He would just be gone.

Cuidado meant 'warning' in Spanish. "The war is currently focused in Tenith," Sarah, the leader of Yulith notified us through the group chat. She actually went to my schoool and was now my best friend (I only saw her once every other day though but still).

"They just keep taking!" Sixten complained.

"Do you want me to help you with this war," Sarah, who was sitting right next to me asked. It was the last day of school and I was flying to Toronto for Christmas break the next day so I was spending my last day at her place.

"I really want to delete this game now and start a new country."

"That's not how life works Cleo," she mused. She said some deep stuff once in a while. She was one of the girls who answered my question about the news cast while the group of two acting like supreme idiots. "Why do they keep attacking us!" Sarah screamed while aggressively pressing the space bar (a control to hold the shield of the island up as long as possible). They broke in with fire and gun shots. "This does not look good!" she exclaimed.

"Cleo, I'm sending level 20 medics," Sixten notified me and ten level 20 medics appear on my battled field urgently running to heal the wounded.

"Can you tell your girlfriend to tell her friends to stop raiding us," Sarah typed to Sixten. He did not respond for a while. She switched her screen to Yulith and saw that she was being raided too, "Cuidado Yulith! Cuidado Planet Xynith."

"Christina's friends are attacking the entire planet! I did not see that coming,"Sixten commented. "She tries to talk them out of all the attacks but they won't listen to her."

"Because we keep attacking," Sarah said while laughing a very pained laugh. "But it's self defense when we do it."

"That's selfish! It's self defense when they do it too," Sixten argued.

Cuidado. Cuidado. This word popped up all over my screen as one Aller attacked the entire planet. Sarah picked up her phone and saw that they were attacking Xynith's mainland, Holtamore, which is she had a country in. "AHHHH!!" She screamed.

"You children have dents on your pinkies where the phone rests," her mother came in saying. "Put down the phone and go talk to the neighbors," she said calmly.

"Mom, the neighbors don't like us," Sarah pointed out. "If they were welcoming, we'll be more than happy to put down our weapons...I..I mean phones." Her mother sighed and went back to the study room where she continued typing away on her computer. Her phone buzzed meaning that a country, Holtamore, had fallen. "NOOO!!!! That's Bob's country!" She yelled.

"I'm trying to get work done," her mother snapped.

"Go talk to the neighbors," Sarah replied. If I said that to my mother she would smack me with the computer.

"Go back to the adoption centre," she yelled back and then there was silence. "Love you." Sarah and I both laughed.  We knew she was not actually adopted. Correction: We chose to believe that she was not actually adopted but decided that if she was, she would not care because at least her mother or 'mother' loves her. Sarah's human emotions did not really radiate beyond her skin. Sixten was offline again.

"Where did he go?" she asked and Christina messaged us for the first time.

"He told me to tell you '82. Old and Abandoned. Avoid,'," She messaged then went offline as well. What was he talking about?

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : May 21, 2017 ⏰

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