Chapter 3

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"Now back to you Kelly," the news reporter said when I walked into the common room. Since two girls were already there watching television I had already started to turn back to go to my room to record my video for a project there instead but I heard something interesting. "Many parents have reported their children missing this year. I don't know what's happening John but it's time for all of us as a people to get up and do something together," the woman who was probably Kelly said.

"What's been happening?" I asked the two girls after the report was over. They looked at me as if I were out of place to be communicating with them. One of the three Chinese girls sitting at at the far end of the common room answered me instead.

"Basically some children around the world are missing and the police suspect it's the same guy," she replied.

"But they haven't caught him yet," the other one replied. One of the two girls whispered something making them both giggle. I hated when teenagers (or whatever 18 year olds called themselves) thought they we're superior to everyone when they were in their friend group. Stop acting so stupid and answer my question next time, okay? Idiots!

"That's awful," I said.

"Well yea, like someone got kidnapped so that's pretty bad," the whispering girl said.

"Yea, I know, that's what I said," I informed her with a smile- as if I were not annoyed by her stupidity. I would be able to fly home for Christmas if I had a penny for every stupid person in my age group. They thought they were being 'grown up' but they were actually being immature babies. Idiots.

"I hope they find all of them," the Chinese girl said. "My mother was telling me that a girl from Shanghai got kidnapped. Possibly by the same guy so it's happening everywhere. The world is a dangerous place to live in."

As dangerous as the Internet.

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