Chapter 4

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"Cleo guess freaking what!" Sixten exclaimed the second I logged onto Our Universe through a whisper message. I was going to use my time to regulate the work force between the electricity and the entertainment section because ever since I got the hydro electricity, people lost their jobs and are becoming sad however none of them are skilled for entertainment which is where I need people. This game can be so frustrating. So basically I'm sending a bunch of middle aged adult Pixinthians to university again. You're never too old to learn performing arts.

"Before you continue, do you want to exchange your entertainers for water workers?" I asked him.

"I'm not into human trafficking, sorry," he teased. He had a point in his humour. This game did encourage human trafficking and the destruction of nature as well as war as a means of development. Speaking of war, Allar from the planet Gater are sending battle space ships to Xynith. I hoped they did not attack my Pixinth. My people are suffering.

"What's up?" I asked him and he teleported to my Head's Office. I could tell because a notification saying You have 1 visitor(s) appeared in the lower right hand corner. I pressed the green button that said accept and he came in. I them closed the areal video window so I could actually see his character in my office. His character was different from him in that Sixten did not have dark purple hair that matched his new light saber neither was he that tall and muscular but they both had the same pleasant expression.

"She's totally in to me," he told me out. He could not keep the smile off his face. "She saw me just casually fighting off Grey Minions from Aller with snazzy Ligh Saber and messaged me saying, 'I like your weapon,' and I was like, 'I like Star Wars,' and then she fell for me completely."

"Omg! That's awesome! Your logic actually worked!" I exclaimed. "But do you actually like Star Wars?"

"I like her so therefore I like Star Wars," he responded with a childish grin. I high-fived him. It was funny how the avatars did that gesture. They jumped up in the air and froze there on impact. The screen then circled them and after the 360 degrees was complete, the avatars descend again (because that's how high-fives happen in the real world right?).

"What if she talks about Star Wars? You'd be like 'uh hu...Master Yoda...he's Luke's father right?' And she'll instantly attack your island."

"Hey! Not everyone in Aller likes attacking other planets," he defended with his normal smile to indicate that he was not mad at me.

"Stop avoiding it," I joked. "You're going to watch Star Wars and you're going to like it. I will convert you!"

"Never!" He hissed and teleported back to Tenith. How the game worked was that we all lived on different planets in the Universe. Each Galaxy is supposed to be united however some planets within the Galaxies fight against each other. Aller on planet Gater constantly fights against Xynith even though we are in the same Galaxy but that is just how the game goes. You take and you get taken from. Xynith was the first to take but now we are playing victim. Sixten, some other players and I play peacefully. We do not really take part in intergalactic wars. All we really do is fight against our common enemy: Mr. Ed but others lose focus and start fighting against each other.

"This is the best day ever," Sixten messaged. "She sent me a friend request. An actual friend request."

"That's awesome! Aww! I love love!" I exclaimed. I loved this game. It was so different from the real world but it was so similar at the same time. There were no leaders in the game. Everyone was a leader- except the virtual people but I guess they did not count as people.

"Aller just stole 20% of my food while I was in Pixinth!" Sixten whispered to me. "You know what! I'll show them!"

"What are you going to do Six? Steal back your food?" I teased.

"No. I'm going to grow more and send them 30%," he responded with a smiley emoji. "People do bad things for a reason right? If they steal food it's sometimes because they're hungry so why not feed them. They are part of our Galaxy. After all, the game is called Our Universe not My Universe."

"Yea. Like: siblings may fight but at the end of the day, they are still siblings. We fight a lot too," I joked.

"Maybe my fight is a cry for help or a warning," he said then instantly went offline in the middle of his food export to Aller.

His internet must have died. The electricity in his house must have been taken...

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