Playing Soldiers

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I run as fast as I can through the alleys. I swore to Thalia and Annabeth I'd be back in an hour, and I've probably been gone for two. I run straight into something and stand up quickly.

A young girl picks herself up off of the ground and dusts herself off, not looking up at me. I recognize the blonde waves and thin figure immediately.

"Cassidy?" I ask in surprise. She slowly looks up at me. Her face breaks into a grin, gray eyes lighting up.

"Luke!" She jumps up and hugs me tightly. I hug her back just as tightly, unable to believe that she's here. "I-I thought I'd never see you again!"

My protective instincts kick in. "Cass, you need to come with me. It isn't safe here." With that she pulls away quickly, her face falling. She looks at me sadly.

"I c-can't, Luke. He won't let me."

"Who? Who won't let you?"

She smiles sadly. "You'll know soon. Maybe we'll even see each other again. But no matter what, do. Not. Join. Him. Ever."

"Cassidy." My voice cracks a little with worry. "Are you okay?" I only just now notice the bruise on her cheek.

"No." She answers honestly. "But I'll be fine."

"No, you won't. What do I have to do? I'll do anything I swear-"

"Luke, you can't do anything." she wraps her thin arms around my waist and hugs me tightly. She's about Annabeth's age, so like two or three years younger than me. She's also about a head shorter, her blonde head resting against my chest.

"But Cass, you're my best friend. I-" I almost say I can't lose her again, but that wouldn't be right. She lost me.

"You'll replace me." she smiles and slowly backs away. "Soon, it'll be as if we never met." There's a sadness in her voice that I can't quite place. She fades into the shadows, and I know without a doubt that this is the last time I'll ever see Cassidy.

A/N: (added September 5, 2013) When I write my fanfic about Luke, this WILL NOT be in it. It's an extra little scene that won't be featured in there. So this won't be deleted or anything.

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