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We managed to find a large church that was relatively intact, but it was large enough for all of us, and warm, who could complain? We found many, many candles, and we lit some inside the church. We had electricity, but no need to waste it. We found many rooms for us to share. Alexa, Lia, Noxa and I took a room, Rowan and Dorian took one, Lia's mom, and Noxa's aunt, and my mom and grandma took another, and Alexa's uncle and Lia's father took the last.

We found some food in the small kitchen the church held, but it wouldn't last long, most of it was spoiled. We even managed to find some clothes, it was clear that people used to take refuge here a while ago, I was grateful for what they left behind, and I prayed to the gods to watch over their souls, wherever they were.
The older women made soup and we all gathered round in the heart of the church. Some of the coloured windows were broken; the large room with its high ceilings made everything feel early quiet. I liked the fact that we were all together. It just made things feel whole, like we were all part of one big family. I saw Alexa chatting with my brother, I nearly chocked on my soup. I've never, never, seen my brother take any interest in any girl, he's been too busy trying to avenge father, that he never took the time to notice a girl. But I guess in a time like this, it's hard to notice anything when you're just trying to survive the day.

I watched them talk, rather quietly as if they didn't want to disturb the silent people I sat around with. Alexa's cheeks were flushed, I've seen her look at my brother with a sparkle in her eyes before, but I never commented on it. Now I saw it clear as day, she liked him. My brother laughed at something I didn't hear Alexa say and my heart filled with joy. Rowan has been so caught up in avenging father, stealing weapons from the Marchers, then killing them with the weapons that he's stolen, I'm lucky if even I can get him to laugh, but Alexa did it with ease. I was glad of that, Rowan needs a distraction.


After we finished our meal, we were all so exhausted that we all just stayed together in the heart of the church. It was nice, warm and I found comfort within it. But I had to do one last thing before I went to sleep.
Plan a rescue.
I slipped on my boots and my leather jacket and slipped out of the church without a sound. The warehouse was a bit farther away than it was from my last home, so I had to find a new way there. It was about two o'clock in the morning, so there were hardly any guards patrolling the streets, thank the gods. I didn't risk a flash light, but it was a full moon tonight, so I had enough light to see what was in front of me.

The warehouse was lit up like a beacon in the city. With its new, strong cement walls, some of them even glass walls for that matter. They had electricity, an endless supply of food, equipment, basically everything that made our mouth's water. I never realized just how much I missed all those things until they were taken away from me.The warehouse was across the city from me now that we had to move, an inconvenience but I could take this to my advantage, and I'd lose the Marchers following me long before I reached the church. I kept to the shadows of the broken buildings around me, and I only spotted a few lit houses. There weren't much of us left.

As I was about to round a corner, two guards walked past me and I had to jump back into the shadows.

"I can't wait until we're done with this pathetic city", one of the guards said. Pathetic city? It's been taking them seven years to get rid of us; we're tougher than we look, well, back then.

"Yes but then it's off to the next one, and we start all over", the other said.

"At least that little sneaky bitch won't be at the next city".

Sneaky bitch? I smirked at the nickname they gave me; at least I had a title. I decided to tail them as they made their way back to the warehouse. Who knows what information I could get from them.

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