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I don't know how long we stayed up on that roof, just cuddled beside each other, sharing what little warmth we had against the cold night. I lost all sense of time and place. It was just me and Dorian. I still honestly couldn't believe that this happened. Dorian Patch, my best friend, now...I don't even know. But I'm not complaining.
I felt myself dosing off, cradled in his arm, against his body, then it came.

The sirens.
The next chosen one has been picked. How could I have forgotten? I jerked awake and widened my eyes. The rescue is now! And Dorian is here, he can't be here, he's not supposed to know about this! I quickly look at my hidden bag that I packed for the mission, behind the chimney and of course Dorian followed my gaze just as quickly.

"You were planning on doing a rescue mission tonight weren't you?" Dorian said. I bite my lipand batted my eye lashes at him. "That's why you were up here. So that when the sirens went off you could just sneak out, do the rescue and come back home".

"Pretty much, yup". I mumbled. He gave me a look, as if to say, because 'it's just that easy'.

If you hadn't come up here it would have been that easy.

"You're staying here", I firmly said. His jaw tightened.

"Like hell you're going alone". Dorian protested.

"Dorian, don't start. I hate putting you guys in danger, its best if I do it alone".

"And yet you know that I hate it when you keep rescues to yourself! You also know that I'm coming with you and can't tell me otherwise".
Damn you Dorian, damn you to all the gods.



We sat on the roof for another half hour or so. I gave up on trying to convince Dorian to return to the church, so I explained to him my plan. Simple, solid, yet secure. He seemed to think the same, since he didn't oppose on anything. Shocking.

Then we heard what we've been waiting for. The screaming of a helpless woman. It sounds tragic, I know, but that was my signal. Time to act. But the woman screaming wasn't the chosen one. It was her son. A mere child.
The woman ran to us, screaming for help and then she recognized me.

"Freya!" The poor woman screamed. "Freya! Oh Freya, please, please. You must help me please!"

"What is it?" I grabbed my bag, and Dorian and I stood from the roof.

"My son, my son", the childless mother pleaded. The tears were streaming down her face; it pained my heart to see her pleading for her son like this. "Please, you must help my son. He's just a boy, a helpless child! I can't let them take him away".

We climbed down the roof and on to the gravel ground. I took my favourite gun and I attached my silencer to it. Dorian doing the same to his pistol.

"Don't worry", I told the woman. "We'll get your son back. When was he taken?"

"Not twenty minutes ago".

He'd still be in the lab no doubt. Good.
"Alright, now listen carefully". I instructed the mother. "Do you know the forest? Just outside the city? Good, now there's a clearing in the forest. Walk north-west into the forest, and you'll come across it, trust me you can't miss it. Now when you get there, either a helicopter will be there already or will be soon. Approach them cautiously. Tell them you're with me, and they won't kill you". The woman looked shocked when I told her that. It was a lie. The Rebellions know friend from foe. But I needed her to listen and follow my instructions, just in case something does happen.

"You wait for me to bring your son, alright. I can't guarantee that they'll have enough room for you, but I'm sure they will. But", I added quickly from the look on her face. "If the Rebellions say that it's time to go and I'm not there. You get on that helicopter, and you get the hell out of here".

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